Sunday, November 16, 2014

U Swim At Lifetime

It's swimming time again! We switched over to Lifetime for lessons this year and it worked out great. It was incredibly convenient and the kids did remarkably well. The twins would swim laps everyday and started really working on that darn butterfly stroke. Tricky stuff! Their teachers worked them hard and we may have even shed a tear or two (poor Capri!), but in the end, they loved it and made some awesome progress. It's so nice to have them master something like this! Karoline turned into a fish, I swear it. Her teacher couldn't believe how quickly she learned to swim, roll over, breathe, and roll over to swim some more. She swam the entire length of the pool by herself which is huge for a 4 year-old! I was so proud!!
 This little one cheers on the sidelines...or tries to jump in with them!

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