Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh Capri...

You know when all of a sudden you realize that it's really quiet... yeah, that's my lipstick.


Lisa said...

I had a good laugh looking at those pictures! Aubrey hasn't started doing that yet, but Tucker has painted several items with nail polish. I guess it's to be expected. : )

Jen said...

Oh my gosh. We had that kind happen . . .with black nail polish on the kitchen table. And recently my nephew graciously traced the outline of Leah's window, around the molding, with a pen. Those are the times it's too much of a mess to even get mad.

Nicole M said...

Alysha I had so much fun telling everyone that story when I got back from San Diego!! I laughed SO hard when we saw her doing this. I'll never forget your face as well (you were just staring blankly at her with your jaw dropped)!! Oh the thinks I have to look forward to :)

Joy said...

Oh, gosh. Look at that! She was really thorough, huh? That is too funny. Well, funny for those of us who didn't have to clean it up!

Susie said...

Such a classic thing for a little girl to do. Well, at least you know she has no gender confusion. What a little princess!!

Lana said...

I had to laugh at the pictures. You know that she is going to be a girly girl. Amanda loves to hold mine gloss. I hope she don't do that we will see.