Tuesday, September 23, 2014


We got home from St. George late the night before Easter. That meant Tucker and I had to pull everything together in a flash that night and the following morning!
The kids woke up and were so excited to go hunting for their baskets. They are so cute and help each other out when needed. They also loved that even baby Clara got a basket.
Still in their jammies with all of their Easter loot!
We then went to church and I was in charge of sharing time. I dug out a lesson that I had when I was a Beehive on Easter Sunday many years ago. I had kept it knowing I would use it someday and here I was. It consisted of a dozen eggs, each with a special item enclosed, that told the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. The kids loved it...even when I started to cry.
Look at these beautiful children in their Easter Sunday best, oh how I love them!
After church, all of my family came over for a ridiculously big Easter Egg Hunt in the backyard. I got a bunch of it on video, but not too many pictures. We did, however, get an awesome picture of my parents and all the grandkids...
And I had to get a picture of Clara and her biggest fan, Elizabeth, both in their cute pink gingham!
Such a great day. I love the reminder of what our gospel is all about. Makes me love my family and my Savior even more.

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