Monday, June 6, 2011

La Jolla

I love La Jolla. I love the beautiful cliffs, the ocean, the seals, the walkways, and the soft grass (which is a rarity in San Diego). We thought the kids would enjoy the seals and they did......but they were just as enthralled with the chipmunks...
Here are my cute parents, my dad wearing his helmet because, of course, he had to bike to La Jolla rather than drive like the rest of us lazy people!Once we were done watching the "silly seals" as Capri would say, we headed over to the green space to play. The kids were playing tag and the adults tried our best at gymnastics...what? I know, we are weird...
Cheri and I doing headstands:
Roman laughing so hard while running-it's a great combo.The girlies looking at something so interesting but I have no idea what!
Karoline standing up so big!
Capri and I taking a walk:
Just us!


Annelise said...

I seriously love all of the pictures! It looks like you had such a fun time.

Mom of three ♥ said...

So much fun, I am so jealous! I need a vaca so badly!