Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bellows Beach

Though there are a couple of beaches closer, we choose to go to Bellows Beach in Waimanalo. There are a few reasons for such a decision. First, we don't get called out as "howlies." Both Sandy Beach and Makapu'u Beach are really for locals only, meaning if you are white-get out of the water before you drown! Also, Bellows is never crowded-definitely not a tourist spot. It is beautiful with tree-lined beaches and majestic Jurassic Park-like mountains behind. We love it!
Roman could have played with this crab all day...but then it probably would have died. Tucker dug up a couple of these guys and Roman and Capri went crazy. Capri loved to watch, but when asked if she wanted to hold it, she would reply, "Roman hold the crab." Roman was happy to oblige! She may have gotten this from me as Tucker tried to get me to hold it and I immediately screamed and chucked the crab out of my hand.
She finally held it for a second, but felt much better carrying the creature this way, in a bucket:
Roman was all about the crabs and being buried in the sand-the beach was good to him. :)
This is Capri doing her "princess" pose. I know, I am already worried.

1 comment:

Danny and Becky DuPaix said...

SO jealous! Looks like you had such a great time. I love Capri's blue suit, so cute! I love your hat too and what is your secret. How do you not gain weight in your arms when prego, I wanna prevent that (if possible) this pregnancy!