Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away...

17 days of consecutive rain here in Utah-crazy! And my kids WENT CRAZY being cooped up all that time inside. So, what did we do all day? A lot of baking, play dough playing, coloring, fort building, finger painting, reading, yoga (Roman and Capri have killer downward dogs), and of course, putting lotion in our hair. Yes, lots of lotion. I knew the kids were up to no good as they were being weirdly quiet the other day and this is what I found...
Roman thought it was time for a new do!
As did Capri! When I first saw Capri, she looked at me and most casually just said, "soap!" No big deal, right?Since I had the camera out, I decided to take a few shots of our fort (a.k.a. cardboard box with a blanket on top):
Bye Mom!

If the lotion in the hair wasn't enough, the day continued with another fun moment. I got the kids in the tub to get the goop out and was relieved there wasn't any poop left more me to clean out-you never know with Roman in water! Anyway, Roman wouldn't have anything to do with getting his diaper put on so I decided to get Capri dressed and ready really quick while Roman was running free. Bad idea. I was in the bathroom when Roman came in with toothpicks in his hands. I was wondering where he even got them so I decided to follow him back into the kitchen. There they were. Two logs of poop with toothpicks sticking out. I can't describe to you the nastiness factor. Let's just say that I won't be potty training either of these kids any time soon!

As much as I loved the fabulous thunder and lightning storms, we are thrilled to have this great sunny weather back and have jumped into summer with time outside, watering flowers, playing with the hose, and the favorites-park and pool time. Pictures to come. Yay for summer!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Heritage Park

I am really lacking in the blogging department these days, but I have so much to catch up on that it seems overwhelming! I go to start a post and end up just looking at everyone else's blogs-so much easier and entertaining. Please tell me I am not the only one that gets in these ruts and I will soon be out of it.
Moving on. The Nielson kids have a new love and that is the Heritage Park. My sister-in-law Jesse introduced this magical place to me last month (I know, how sad is it that I have never been after living in Utah for all this time!) and we have been four times already. My kids have so much fun and it is the perfect way to burn through a morning. Their favorite part is definitely the petting zoo (surprise, surprise), but the little playhouses are a close second. We always make time for the train ride and may even get an ice cream cone. A fun outing every time!
Roman and Capri, brother and sister, petting the baby lambs which were also brother and sister. Aaawww.Not so cute-the poo all over the lamb's tail as Capri is pointing out:Capri loved having the animals, free and caged, to lick her hand. She was so excited to see this calf, but when it wouldn't have anything to do with her, she freaked out with frustration. Don't worry, that little lamb calmed her right down.Roman needs adventure and he found it with this duck. He chased that poor thing around forever!Welcome!Roman on the play train:We met up with my brother's family for my nephew Eli's birthday. I am so glad we get to spend more time with these guys as my kids just adore them!
Spencer and Eli:I introduce to you, the easiest 2 year-old to photograph, my nephew Kaleb with his dad Rob:Me and Jesse-I know we are in-laws, but I swear we could be real sisters!My cute dad and mom who were wonderful to come and help with the kiddos: