Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Was Here!

The Nielson Family had a wonderful Christmas and we hope all of you did too! We had both my entire family and Tucker's entire family here for the holiday so you can bet we were busy having fun. Some of the highlights included gingerbread houses, (no picture included because we ate it so fast!) creating Christmas dinner placemats, shopping for last-minute gifts, Disneyland, playing at the beach, Sea World, playing lots of games, opening presents, and of course just being with those we love...
Christmas morning with the Curtis Family (notice it was still dark outside-early!)

Christmas morning with the Nielson family-and yes, Capri and I and every other girl in the fam wore matching nightgowns!

Here at the happiest place on earth-Disneyland!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas is Coming!

I love this time of year and as Tucker puts it, I am his "Christmas Girl." Everything about the holidays is fabulous, but I especially love being with my family. We will be hosting both the Curtis and the Nielson families this season here in San Diego so it should be wonderful. The best part of this year's Christmas is that we have Roman and Capri to celebrate it with. Now, I know they won't really understand what's going on for another couple of years, but I am having a blast decorating, baking, wrapping presents, and dressing the two in Christmas pajamas...

Check out these fun holiday outfits...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Crazy About Crawling!

I had mentioned in my last post that Roman was getting close to crawling. Well, he did it the very next day and now is a crawling machine! Capri picked up the crawling (belly off the floor now) soon after so now I have two babies crawling everywhere and in different directions! Here is some video to document such an exciting milestone...

One other video to demonstrate my latest dilemma-Roman and Capri will not go to bed! Well, at least not until they have had plenty of playing time first while in their cribs. Capri stands up and entertains Roman while he just laughs...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

9 Months Old!

I just can't believe it, but Roman and Capri are 9 months old. To tell you the truth, it is a bit sad for me to see them growing as fast as they are and leaving that sweet cuddly baby phase. At the same time, I can't see how any phase can be as fun as now-they are so full of personality! They are getting pretty mobile, standing up to furniture, into everything, eating big people food, and neither appreciate their mom's loves and kisses as they once did. Ok, so maybe they appreciate my love, but they are just so busy! I took them to their wellness check-up and they passed with flying colors yet again. It is crazy to think that these sweet babies were barely on the charts when they were born and now are climbing to the top of them. Here are the latest stats:

Roman James (aka chunk-a-munk)-
Weighs 21.4 lbs placing him in the 75th percentile.
Measures 17.7 inches in head circumfrence placing him in the 50th percentile.
And measures 30.1 inches long which places him above the 97 percentile!
Capri Kennedy (aka twinkle toes)-
Weighs 18.1 lbs placing her in the 45th percentile.
Measures 17.5 inches in head circumfrence placing her in the 75th percentile.
And measures 27.9 inches long which places her in the 75th percentile (but she is always on her toes to give her another inch or so!).
So, they have come a long way from their respective 5lbs 2oz and 4lbs 12oz weights when they were born.

The twins have all sorts of tricks now and are constantly exploring and learning new things. You can't take them anywhere without the both of them grabbing at everything, staring at everything and eating everything-they have to know everything about everything! This creates a problem when we are at church for three hours-boredom sets in quickly unless given the opportunity to explore the woman's shoes, the chairs that are being used by others and the carpet including the sketchy stains. What always entertains them, however, are the many primary kids playing outside. Roman gets so excited and I know he can't wait until he can join the jumping and running around.
Capri has a favorite game of peek-a-boo and will use blankets, tablecloths, rags and even the ottoman she has to crawl around just to play. The best is when her and Roman play. She crawls around the corner and back to be sighted and then hidden. Roman just sits there and laughs with his arms flailing he is so excited.

This is one of the greatest moments in having twins. Roman and Capri are getting to be such great friends and love each other's company. Since we have been here in Salt Lake this week, they have become reaquainted with their old cribs and now see them as play areas (which isn't the greatest when they need to go down for naptime) and have so much fun trying to pull themselves up. Yesterday I went to check on them after I had put them down for naps and Roman was just laughing as Capri had climbed up and was looking at him through the slats.

As I mentioned earlier, they are loving big people food. Unfortunately, this means that when I try and feed them their nasty pureed stuff, it requires some serious effort. Everyone joins in the fun in trying to entertain the twins while they eat. Plenty of singing and dancing going on-we sometimes feel like Clayton Entertainers, but no offense to all of you performers out there! I have to admit that they are improving and now may need just a toy (or the favorite-a lid) to get the breakfast, lunch and dinner down.

Let's see, how can I make this post longer. Oh, Roman, my sweet little boy, has his first double ear infection. He has been such a trooper dealing with all of the congestion, coughing, aching and snotty messes. Oh wait, that is me that is dealing with the snotty messes! I am just praying that Capri doesn't get so bad. This is one of the not so great moments for twins-they share everything including colds.

One last thing and I promise I will be done. I have to acknowledge some major developments. As you know, Capri has been using her army crawl since she was 6 months old and doesn't really see the need to get her belly off the floor. I can't blame her, I didn't even get on my knees; instead, I would scoot around on my bum! Well, Roman can't stand the idea of Capri getting around so fast and so he is determined to start crawling, belly up and all, first. He has made a few crawls, but usually ends up scooting himself backwards. This can be frustrating as he furthers himself from his desired toy, but he keeps trying and I can't wait until he is cruising on all four! Also, Capri has stood for the first time! She pulled herself up to the ottoman and let go for a bit. I am telling you, she will do anything to be as tall as her little brother!

Well, that is all for now-sorry about the journal post, but I hope the pictures helped!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Ford's Were Here

Cheri and Cody came to visit over the weekend and we had a great time. Roman and Capri love their aunt Cheri and her famous bunny hop. That is the one thing that will always get them laughing! We have somewhat taken up rock climbing at these indoor gyms so we took the whole family. Too bad Tucker had to leave for work just as we got there-on a Saturday! We had a lot of fun scaling those walls and doing our best not to let go! Way to go to Curtis Clan! Cheri and I ready to go!
On Sunday the fog set in and it was freezing so we bundled up (ok, so probably 62 degrees but we are wusses now) and headed to the beach. It was gorgeous to see the mist along the coastline and we found lots of neat seashells.
Despite the chill in the air, Roman and Capri were happy to take a stroll.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Talking Twins

Roman and Capri jibber-jabber all the time now and I can't get enough of it. We tell ourselves that they are saying mama and dada, but mostly just a smattering of sounds. Tucker and I woke up this morning to hear the two of them talking to each other. They were so content in their cribs just going on back and forth for an hour! I hate that I didn't get it recorded but hopefully I will catch them again soon.
The only thing that might be a contender for sweetest moments is how Roman puts himself and Capri to sleep by singing. The other day I put them down for a nap and Capri started crying so I went in to sing her a song and calm her down. Well, as soon as I was done singing and starting to walk out, she started crying again. By the time I had made her a bottle, Roman had started singing and both were asleep within minutes. Aaaahhh.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

San Diego Zoo

Are these guys excited to be here or what?!Richard had Katelan Buehner here for the weekend and so we decided to check out the famous San Diego Zoo. What an incredible place-the animals, landscaping and overall feel is spectacular! The babies must have liked it because they were absolute angels the entire time despite going without their nap. We had such a great time and are excited to be season pass holders so that we can go back soon! My cute parents-they are the best to come along!
This is Richard and Katelan in front of the panda which we saw eating and pooping-fun stuff!
The Nielson Family enjoying our beautiful day at the zoo together.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The One-Year Mark

A few months ago I had published a post about my brother Dave. He passed away a year ago today and I can't believe how much I still miss him. Who wouldn't?! Dave was a friend to everyone and was always out for a good time. Living life to the fullest by playing hard, working just enough and playing harder. He developed so many friendships and inspired so many and I am so proud to have him as a brother. Having the gospel and the knowledge of His plan gives us such comfort and I think because of this, we are all doing so well. Dave, we love you and are thinking about you always. "Keepin the Dreams Alive! "

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Our Pumpkin Patch!

Just because we weren't home for the holiday, didn't mean we weren't going to have fun. I had to pull some teeth to get the boys going, but we all had a great time carving pumpkins, eating chili in bread bowls, making rice krispie treats and giving candy to our one trick-or-treater. Yes, only one and he was much too old to be out. The best part was of course dressing up my little pumpkins. I had bought these fabulous Gymboree costumes for them months ago and left them in Utah knowing there wasn't going to be much reason of dressing them up this year. Instead I went for cozy and comfy in matching sweat outfits. Plus, anything is cute when there is two of them! Take a look at our little pumkin patch...

Friday, October 26, 2007


Julian is a quaint little town we got to visit last weekend the day before the fires started. It reminds me of an old Park City and it was so beautiful to see the fall colors amongst the old western buildings. Julian is famous for their apple orchards and the All-American Apple Pie. Let me tell you, two pies were not enough! YUM!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Firestorm 2007

Things have been a bit insane around these parts with raging fires taking over the San Diego County. We were incredibly lucky that we didn't have to evacuate. We had fires threatening us from the north, east and south and yet we were kept safe. Interestingly enough, my parents had just moved from Rancho Santa Fe where they would have been in trouble so we are glad we are here in Encinitas. Parts of Encinitas were evacuated but we were close enough to the beach that we were ok. Still, no one could go to work, roads were closed and the stores and restaurants were empty and shut down. It felt like a ghost town! We still have some haze but it smells and looks a lot better in comparison. We couldn't even be outside for long on Monday because the smoke was so bad and there was a constant fall of ash. I just feel terrible for all of those hundreds of families that have lost their homes. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. Here is a video of Monday morning to show the smoke coming in.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Miramar Air Show

Last weekend we joined the thousands of people attending the Miramar Air Show. It wasn't my first choice of activity but we ended up having a great time and seeing some amazing flight stunts. My grandpa was in town and for those who remember him, he is always a hoot and he absolutely loved looking at all the planes with Tucker and my dad. And yes, Tucker was on cloud nine as he is dying to get his pilot's liscence someday.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What Are The Twins Up To?

It has been awhile since my last post and I wish that I had a great post to come, but I don't, not really anyway. I am going to copy my sister-in-law again and offer up a few things that Roman and Capri are doing now that I don't want to forget in the future. They are just so fun at this stage and I can't get enough of them and their new antics.
*Capri is cruising everywhere in an army crawl fashion. Roman is still rolling around to get wherever he needs to go. Capri definitely has the upper hand when it comes to getting to a toy first, but Roman uses his size and brute strength to take it away.
*Their favorite toy is this alligator xylophone/piano. It is not anyone else's favorite toy.
*Regardless of why they might be crying, it will stop immediately as soon as I start their favorite video called"Baby Signing Time." Again, it is not anyone else's favorite video.
*They both love to be sung to, even by their tone-deaf mother. Their favorites include "Popcorn Popping," "We are a Happy Family" and "Give Said the Little Stream."
*Capri is all girl except for when she opens her mouth. She lets out the loudest of burps (and Roman laughs) and growls like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.
*Roman is loudest with noises coming from the other end. We just love when he lifts his legs to pass gas.
*Where Capri is like every other baby and becomes fussy when she is tired, Roman gets slap-happy and will laugh for anything. It makes me feel good to know that someone thinks I am funny. :)
*We can get them both laughing with peek-a-boo or Cheri's famous bunny hop.
*To get them to eat, I feed with one hand and sing "Popcorn Popping" while doing actions with the other hand. I am gaining serious multi-tasking skills with these guys.
* The twins are really starting to love each other and are so interested in each other. They smile and laugh at each other and that makes my heart melt.
*I love Roman's little mohawk of hair on top and his curls in back.
*Capri 's hair is getting to be a gorgeous golden honey color and is starting to sweep to the side.
*Roman's feet are twice the size of Capri's.
*Roman's everything is twice the size of Capri's.
They are the bestest babies and I can't believe they are getting so big!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We are all settled in to our new place and we are loving what sunny San Diego has to offer. Walks on the beach and fabulous mexican food are enough to put me in a good mood. Waking up to see the ocean every day isn't too bad either. Tucker is loving his work and it is so fun to see him, my dad and Richard, my brother, all off to work together. That leaves my mom and I with the twins and can I tell you how much easier life is with her help?! The twins are absolutely adored by Grandma and Grandpa, but it's Uncle Richard that they can't get enough of.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Twins Making Progress

As mentioned in a previous post, Capri has torticollis which means her head is tilted to the side. She has been doing physical therapy for a few months now and recently got Botox injections to allow the left side of her neck to strengthen. About a month ago, Capri was fitted for a TOT collar which goes around her neck to keep her tight side stretched out. She absolutely hates getting it put on but she deals with it like a real trooper. Hopefully it will be out of the picture in the next month or so. Hooray!
Another new and exciting event in the Nielson home-Roman has two teeth! Right on the bottom and they are the cutest ever. I wanted to get a picture of them but he wasn't cooperating so here is a picture of him sitting up so big! Capri sits up too but is still a bit wobbly. They both love to stand up to the ottoman now and can do it all by themselves for a minute-strong babies. Also, they are actually starting to do an army crawl. They still roll around to get where they need to, but recently have tried to scoot by pushing their legs and pulling with their arms. Capri is really starting to cruise. Scary thought!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tag, you're it!

I was tagged for a small survey so take a look:
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
Just starting High School at Skyline as a sophomore and in pep club
Erika having to pick me up for school because I can't drive.
School dances-I swear we had one every month-to ask or not to ask, that is the question.
Working at Lettuce and Ladles with Jessica and psycho, pot-smoking owner (see previous post.)
No boyfriend of course, but we were broadening our horizons beyond our all-girl group.
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
I would love to have a cabin-I always had so much fun at my friend's cabins!
Let's add a boat to that cabin-I am sure it would be near a lake.
Ok, so that you don't think I am completely self-centered, I would donate to research in SADS and mental health.
Travel with my whole family-I have kids named after places I have never been!
There's always the sensible but costly college educations for the kiddies.
5 things i’ll never wear again:
I am not going to miss the tapered jeans-I don't care if skinny jeans are in-not for me.
I will miss tanks and sleeveless dresses.
Remember the white keds with the thick soles? No, good.
9-inch zipper jeans, not even now that I am a mom
Never, never, ever again-the turquoise unitard with unit belt-again see previous post.
5 favorite toys:
My babies are the most entertaining things ever-especially when they laugh. :)
I love my laptop as I have become addicted to blogging.
My jogging stroller-not so much a toy but I have a lot of fun taking the twins in it.
Do games count? I am way into Boggle, Speed Scrabble and Taboo.
The exersaucers are the babies' favorites so they have to be mine too.
5 people to Tag:
Nicole Maughan
Stephanie Floor
Amy Bell
Lindsey Paulk
Julie Stoker are it!

Monday, September 10, 2007

We've Moved!!!

Surprise! We have officially moved to San Diego, California. We are so excited to be here and can't wait to get settled in. It was a bit of a shock when Tucker got the call we have been waiting for on Thursday. A fabulous job opportunity to work for a new company that my dad has been helping to build called RF Check. Tucker officially resigned from Goldman Sachs that day and we started the migration to our new place of residence in Encinitas with my parents. Packing was chaotic with the twins, but luckily I had a lot of help and we didn't even attempt to get the house rent or sell worthy. Working on that later! We now live in a gated community of condos right on the bluff. We have our own sweet beach just down the stairs and I can't wait to take Roman and Capri. To all of those at home in Utah, we miss you already!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Weekend Getaway

Last weekend, our good friends (Nick and Lindsey Paulk) came into town and we (including Bret and Jen Neumann and Summer and Rance) all got together for a fabulous getaway. We even left the kids home for a night for the first time. It started with some time spent up at Silver Lake near Brighton. We saw an enormous moose and stood within 20 feet of this creature. Later that night we hot tubbed and watched the U of U lose terribly in their first game of the season-sad times. The next day, we took the boat out and had a blast wakeboarding, skiing and just catching some sun. Our boys were great handy men on the boat-the battery was dead so they swapped it for the truck's battery-genius! We spent the night back up at a sweet cabin in Brighton where we talked and played a game of Taboo-girls lost unfortunately.

Discovering Our New Lawn

I wanted to take some 6-month pictures of Roman and Capri and what better place but our new backyard. Because my babies are so dang cute, however, you really can't see the backyard. I will post some pics soon of the completed landscape.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Albion Basin

A few weeks ago, we decided to head up to Albion Basin to get away from the heat, check out the scenery and just enjoy a Sunday drive. As soon as we got out of the car we realized what a mistake it was that we had waited so long to get up there. It was absolutely beautiful and so we took a few pictures. Unfortunately, I spaced something important, bottles for the babies. Evidently, babies need to eat every couple of hours, so we only had a minute, but it was worth it!