It has been awhile since my last post and I wish that I had a great post to come, but I don't, not really anyway. I am going to copy my sister-in-law again and offer up a few things that Roman and Capri are doing now that I don't want to forget in the future. They are just so fun at this stage and I can't get enough of them and their new antics.
*Capri is cruising everywhere in an army crawl fashion. Roman is still rolling around to get wherever he needs to go. Capri definitely has the upper hand when it comes to getting to a toy first, but Roman uses his size and brute strength to take it away.
*Their favorite toy is this alligator xylophone/piano. It is not anyone else's favorite toy.
*Regardless of why they might be crying, it will stop immediately as soon as I start their favorite video called"Baby Signing Time." Again, it is not anyone else's favorite video.
*They both love to be sung to, even by their tone-deaf mother. Their favorites include "Popcorn Popping," "We are a Happy Family" and "Give Said the Little Stream."
*Capri is all girl except for when she opens her mouth. She lets out the loudest of burps (and Roman laughs) and growls like a velociraptor from Jurassic Park.
*Roman is loudest with noises coming from the other end. We just love when he lifts his legs to pass gas.
*Where Capri is like every other baby and becomes fussy when she is tired, Roman gets slap-happy and will laugh for anything. It makes me feel good to know that someone thinks I am funny. :)
*We can get them both laughing with peek-a-boo or Cheri's famous bunny hop.
*To get them to eat, I feed with one hand and sing "Popcorn Popping" while doing actions with the other hand. I am gaining serious multi-tasking skills with these guys.
* The twins are really starting to love each other and are so interested in each other. They smile and laugh at each other and that makes my heart melt.
*I love Roman's little mohawk of hair on top and his curls in back.
*Capri 's hair is getting to be a gorgeous golden honey color and is starting to sweep to the side.
*Roman's feet are twice the size of Capri's.
*Roman's everything is twice the size of Capri's.
They are the bestest babies and I can't believe they are getting so big!
Cute, that post made me smile. Aren't babies the greatest? Especially your own babies? :)
This was so sweet to read. It sounds like they have grown up so much since we last saw them, and that makes me sad. We miss you!!!
That was so fun to read through...your twins are darling!
Alysha- They are just adorable and it is so fun to hear about all there little milestones. You should be such a proud mommy!!
How fun! I liked reading that. They are so cute. I saw their birth announcement at Erika's today and it is really darling. Thanks for saying I'm not wide, I am really starting to feel it, though. :)
What a cute post Alysha! I have been waiting for more content on your blog and it was so fun to read about your babies. They are PRECIOUS...
This is Lance Cannon. You might remember me and you might not, but my wife told me about this blog stuff (she is an avid blogger). That is awesome that you guys are in Encinitas. I am going there on Monday for work. It is awesome. Anyway, just thought I would say hi to someone that I used to say hi to on a daily basis in high school. Your kids are cute and I am jealous that you have twins. I want some too.
Hey Lance! So good to hear from you. It's fun to find so many of us Skyliners here in the Blog world. Do you have a blog? Let me know so I can add it to my links! :)
Ciao Stronzo..!!! Tucker, WHat's up man? This is Sam Warner, your favorite collega. I am living in Arizona going to Midwestern Pharmacy College and we met Spencer and Katie Taggart in our ward. We were talking about Italy and Katie asked if I knew Tucker Nielson.. My jaw dropped and I was like... uh.. yeah. of course I do. So, Now I'm writing you a blog. I am so excited about your twins. Roman and Capri.. so perfect. We are actually expecting il nostro primo figlio this weekend. Kim is being induced on Sunday. So enough about me. How is California treating ya? How's your itlalianieo? il mio fa schifo. It's good to see you're doing so well. email me and I'll send you our blog address cuz I don't know it off the top of my head. Here's my email: Samuel.Warner@azwebmail.midwestern.edu
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