We are all settled in to our new place and we are loving what sunny San Diego has to offer. Walks on the beach and fabulous mexican food are enough to put me in a good mood. Waking up to see the ocean every day isn't too bad either. Tucker is loving his work and it is so fun to see him, my dad and Richard, my brother, all off to work together. That leaves my mom and I with the twins and can I tell you how much easier life is with her help?! The twins are absolutely adored by Grandma and Grandpa, but it's Uncle Richard that they can't get enough of.

Ahhh! It looks so gorgeous with the ocean in the back ground! I'm glad Tucker is enjoying work so much, that makes it all worth it! We are thinking about planning a trip to San Diego in the near future (before Ty graduates) so yeah...one more reason for us to plan it soon!
Your little ones are so cute! What a darling family! It was so good to hear from you. Yes, Nate and I are going to have a baby in December, a girl and we are so excited! I love seeing those pictures of your family. Thanks for dropping a note.
Alysha- So, did you guys sell your house in Daybreak? Or is this just a temporary move? How did you find a place to live so quickly!? I love your family picture, so gorgeous with the ocean in the background.
I still can't believe you guys are living in San Deigo! I showed Wes these pics and it made him CA-hungry. Those pics are SO beautiful...we want to come visit!!
yayyyy- I'm so excited for your new adventure...and I'm glad that Richturd is looking as stunning as ever!
Alysha, You guys have the cutest family! You look so happy in San Diego, I love it there! And how nice to have your Mom close for so much help, what a blessing! It is fun to see your darling kids.
So good to hear from you. You and Tucker are such great people, and you make BEAUTIFUL children! Roman and Capri are to die for. I totally have to laugh about the trip to cali during spring break when you and tucker first started dating. Who knew it would lead to such great things?!
My brother and his wife live in san diego and love it. We love that they live there so we can visit! Keep us updated. Take care,
Laura Peterson Bruschke
Wait.. I missed a beat. Why San Diego? I mean, super cool and all, I had no glimmering idea you guys were moving out there!!! Looks like things are going well though- pictures are awesome- rad sunset!!
Oh, I am jealouse that you are so close to the beach! Brett and I absolutely love San Diego! Your kids look so darling in this pic! I can't believe how fast they grow!
What a cute family picture! Wish we were there celebrating the sun with you...
Alysha, your twins are precious! I love seeing all of your pictures and updates, so cute. How fun to live in San Diego. Isn't it great to get out of the "Utah bubble". Sounds like you guys settled right in, and with family. Did they all move there too?
WOW! That's amazing! Paul and I are thinking about San Diego when he graduates. you'll have to tell us what you think. I'm so exited for you. as far as i'm concerned San Diego is one of the best places on earth.
Alysha- I have not talked to you in such a long time.(hopefully you remember me) Your twins are adorable and you look so great. Share your secrets for looking soooo great after having TWINS. You are amazing.
Alysha, thanks so much for your words of wisdom. Losing a BROTHER must be amazingly hard. You seem so at peace. I really admire you. I will be thinking of you on November 4th. love, lindsay
Thanks so much for the darling update. They are so cute in the laundry basket. I love them so much. Love Susie
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