As mentioned in a previous post, Capri has torticollis which means her head is tilted to the side. She has been doing physical therapy for a few months now and recently got Botox injections to allow the left side of her neck to strengthen. About a month ago, Capri was fitted for a TOT collar which goes around her neck to keep her tight side stretched out. She absolutely hates getting it put on but she deals with it like a real trooper. Hopefully it will be out of the picture in the next month or so. Hooray!
Another new and exciting event in the Nielson home-Roman has two teeth! Right on the bottom and they are the cutest ever. I wanted to get a picture of them but he wasn't cooperating so here is a picture of him sitting up so big!
Capri sits up too but is still a bit wobbly. They both love to stand up to the ottoman now and can do it all by themselves for a minute-strong babies. Also, they are actually starting to do an army crawl. They still roll around to get where they need to, but recently have tried to scoot by pushing their legs and pulling with their arms. Capri is really starting to cruise. Scary thought!
alysha! They are darling..
Your challenge in future parenting will be to keep all the other oppoisite sexes away from your hot kids! good luck!
Alysha I can't believe how much they've grown! They look so cute sitting up like that (and I love Capri's wave to the camera). How are you guys doing in CA? I miss you!
Hi Alysha! I am so glad that you found us! It is so fun to see your blog and your darling family! You have twins! How fun....they are so cute. What a lucky Mom you are to get one of each in one delivery! A boy and a girl! They are both so beautiful, I bet you are so happy! THank you for saying hi! I am going to put your link on my blog so that I can keep in touch with you! And now you've moved to CA? How fun! I also saw your getaway trip at Silver Lake and Brighton! That is one of our family's favorite spots to visit as well! Looks like you guys are living the dream. Now we can be blogger buddies!
Your twins are getting so big! They are so adorable! Welcome to California (even though you're at the other end of the state)!
They are so cute Alysha! My 3 year old sat, and had teeth and started to crawl around the time your twins have, but my 10 month old still will NOT crawl, has no teeth and is barely sitting up!! Life is funny!
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