A few months ago I had published a post about my brother Dave. He passed away a year ago today and I can't believe how much I still miss him. Who wouldn't?! Dave was a friend to everyone and was always out for a good time. Living life to the fullest by playing hard, working just enough and playing harder. He developed so many friendships and inspired so many and I am so proud to have him as a brother. Having the gospel and the knowledge of His plan gives us such comfort and I think because of this, we are all doing so well. Dave, we love you and are thinking about you always. "Keepin the Dreams Alive! "
I absolutely loved and still love your brother. He always seemed to have a smile on his face and what a cute face it is! You are right... he was a friend to everyone and such a good example of how to have fun. We miss him too!!
OH alysha!!
you will always miss him!! Those family members who move on... you will never never get over it...but you will just get used to it...Sad to say, you will, (if you're like me) miss him more as time moves on. What a great person he is though! He was seriously, such a stellar guy- probably why the Lord needed him up there rather than down here i say. I remember going snowshoeing with him once up Millcreek with a bunch of people and he was just so nice and "different"- i don't know- there was something special about him- a neat spirit! Anyway, you are doing wonderfully and I am sure he is nearby more than you think!! Keep moving foward!
Much love.
We all loved and miss Dave he left a legacy behind and you are so lucky to have been his sister. Isn't it amazing he is with his eternal companion now - I bet he is so happy. You are in our thoughts and prayers as I know it is never easy! Love your blog your twins are adorable. (they were probably lucky to have met Dave before coming to you - how neat!)
Wow I can't believe a year has already passed...your family is so wonderful and have handled everything so well because you're all so strong in the Gospel! You guys are amazing. We all miss Dave.
I greatly admire you for the beautiful perspective you have and are willing to share. The more I live the more I realize how important LOVE is, and that is what Dave personified. He taught us much while here, but think of all that he continues to teach us, and everyone whom he knew, personally and indirectly. No doubt he is with you and your family. Thank you for sharing his legacy- I miss his unique laugh!
Laura Bruschke
P.S. Your family is sooo beautiful-those twins- can't get over their cuteness.
Alysha, you don't know me, I'm Lizz Pizza's friend. I was checking out some blogs of people that commented on her blog and came to yours. It was nice to read your feelings on life after death and how the Lord helps us through these hard times. I'm so sorry about your brother; my husband and I both lost our brothers just a year apart from eachother. It's now been 14 years since mine past away and 13 since his. The time goes faster and faster every year and looking back you wonder how in the world you got through it all. I can say that I truly don't know how I would have without knowing that I'll see my brother again, that my kids know him even though he's not here, and that he looks out for us all the time. My kids are blessed with the 2 best guardian angels ever. Thanks again for sharing your feelings,
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