I wanted to post an update of what the fam was doing these past few weeks and realized it had lots to do with what Santa brought for Christmas. The new favorite activity for the twins is to take a ride in the wagon. They absolutely love everything about the wagon, from the little door to the seat flap that opens for storage. If I leave it in the house they climb in and out for hours...ok, so maybe 20 minutes, but that's pretty long for Roman and Capri to be entertained. All I have to say is "let's get in the wagon," and they come running. Fun stuff and I highly recommend it for any toddler. 
My favorite present would have to be my piano. I actually got it back in November so that I could practice some fun Christmas songs. I absolutely love it and although I was hesitant about getting a digital piano, it has been perfect with the twins around. I can actually turn the sound off-what a novel idea. Plus, the only time I can practice is when the kids are asleep and so I just put on my headphones and no one can hear me. That is good for other reasons as well! I stopped playing years ago and I would be lying if I said I didn't regret the decision, but I am determined to regain some of those skills. Any ideas for fun music? 
Tucker got some new running shoes...not fun at all, I know, but he has put them to good use already. Way to go sweetheart! The funny thing is, he has worn the same type of shoe, the gel kayano asics, for the past 5 years which makes this Christmas present quite boring. Sorry! We all joined him for a run on the beach last week and had a great time. My dad ran circles around us, literally-he ran 7 miles when the rest of us did the 5 and a half and he was still faster, but Tucker stuck around with me and we thoroughly enjoyed the scene at the beach and under the sun. Once we were done, we got the kids out and they got to show us the most incredible and fascinating objects they found...rocks!
"Daddy, I have to show you something I found..."
"Wow! Check that one out-it's round and hard!"
Me and my little, but not so little, brother Jon:
Roman absolutely loves sand it sand loves Roman...we find it everywhere!
Me and my hubby...and no, there won't be any pictures of my dad because he was too busy running!
The both of us have continued to enjoy our Nintendo Brainage game (check previous Cancun post) and are thoroughly addicted. I scored a serious record of completing a sudoko game in 3 minutes and 29 seconds. I am awesome. And yet, I couldn't identify every state on a map of the US-we are looking for a geography game now. So, if you notice a lack in posts, you know why-lots of toys to play with!

Tucker got some new running shoes...not fun at all, I know, but he has put them to good use already. Way to go sweetheart! The funny thing is, he has worn the same type of shoe, the gel kayano asics, for the past 5 years which makes this Christmas present quite boring. Sorry! We all joined him for a run on the beach last week and had a great time. My dad ran circles around us, literally-he ran 7 miles when the rest of us did the 5 and a half and he was still faster, but Tucker stuck around with me and we thoroughly enjoyed the scene at the beach and under the sun. Once we were done, we got the kids out and they got to show us the most incredible and fascinating objects they found...rocks!

I love those wagons and told Lance I want to get one for our twins for easter this year.. So cute! Hey we are going private so leave me your email on my blog or email me at amber_holbrook at hotmail.com with your email. I am jealous of your nice weather, I am so ready for winter to be over here!!
Me again, i have heard that going private is a real pain for people to look at your blog if they don't have a google account or whatever.Have you had problems with people not being able to get to your site? Also how is Cheri feeling and when is she due? I left her a msg on her facebook but have not heard back from her, just curious!
HELLO, when did John get SOOO tall??!!! OH MY GOSH! You guys are so ambitious running, I need to get out there!
WHAT...is Cheri pregnant??? I just read the comment from Mom of twins!!!
Alysha, I am so happy you commented on my blog - I totally forgot you went private, and I usually just check the people in my blog roll! Wow, what a fun month you guys had on your trips. Your twins are getting so big and are SO CUTE! Capri's outfit on Christmas Eve was too adorable! You guys are darling, glad to see you are doing well.
for 1) I LOVE your piano you got for christmas! I can't believe I didn't know about this purchase. Jealous. for 2) WOW...looks like I need a trip to San Diego...you guys look awesome out there. We need sun over here!
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