I can't believe I posted about Cancun and forgot my horrible passport drama. I guess it deserves its own post anyway. So get this, I already had a current passport but Tucker needed his renewed and the twins both needed new passports. I went through the incredible ordeal of getting their passports taken care of and shipped to Tucker's parents just to be on the safe side. Now remember what I had to pack at this point. Warm clothes, coats and blankets for freezing Utah for the twins, Tucker and I (Tucker doesn't like to pack and I like the control of packing). Separate suitcases included summer clothes and swimsuits for all of us to go to Cancun straight from Utah. On top of that, we had Christmas presents, wrapping necesseties and other stuff. Needless to say, there was a lot for me to think about.
So, Friday afternoon rolls around and Tucker is starting to set tickets and passports he had received from his parents aside to get ready for the next morning. He asks me for mine and it finally hits me...I forgot my freaking passport! It was 3:30PM on a Friday and we were supposed to leave by 6:00 the next morning. What in the world was I supposed to do?! To say I was frantic would be a ridiculous understatement.
We start doing our best to come up with solutions. Calling the airlines, the airport, fedex, checking online for passport info...we searched everywhere for a way out of this dilemma. Tucker then came up with the idea to have me fly back to San Diego to get my passport and then fly to Cancun from there to meet up with the rest of the fam. He would be ok to take the twins because his parents were on the same flight so one of them could hold Roman or Capri, right? Wrong. Not allowed. We would have had to buy Capri her own ticket if we didn't have a signed and notarized document explaining that I was giving permission for someone else to hold her. Insane! That left us with buying Capri a ticket and buying me a new ticket from San Diego to Cancun AND from Cancun back to Utah. Lots of money for what was supposed to be a free trip.
Just when we thought we were totally screwed and staying home, Cody and Cheri thought of a brilliant idea. Why don't we have one of Richard's friends from San Diego, pick up the passport and bring it here? We asked Richard if there was anyone planning on coming back to Utah after the holidays anyway, but there wasn't anyone! Knew that was too good to be true. But wait, he calls his friend Megan who lives in SD and asks if she would do it. She had no plans on coming here it Utah, but she does have friends here from her BYU days and maybe she would be interested. I felt awful even asking her because I adore her. Megan is incredibly sweet and I didn't want her to feel obligated. At the same time, I was desperate and she was my only hope. Richard gives her call and she agreed to this mad plan.
She had 45 minutes to pack and get over to my house to pick up the passport in order to get to the airport on time. You think it ends there. Nope! Once she got to my house, Megan (with the help of her dad, thank heavens) had to break a window leading into the garage. It was already cracked, but they had to break it through and then pick out as much of the glass as possible so the dear girl wouldn't cut something open as she maneuvered up and over the window. Amazing. She made it on the plane in the nick of time with my passport in hand. She called to let us know and I started to cry...for like the 3rd time that day. I don't remember ever feeling so much relief. Thank you Megan and I owe you big time...like seriously big.
Oh, my goodness that is the
craziest story I have heard! I am so glad that she was able to do that for you and she got it here on time! What a great friend.
Crazy! What an awesome girl! I would have totally forgotten the passport too! And I would have cried ten times! You are so adorable. I am so glad you were able to get your passport!
What you failed to leave out is that Megan and her father realized after she crawled through that they could have just opened the window.
OH MY!!! that is crazy I am glad that it all worked out.
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