Last weekend we joined the thousands of people attending the Miramar Air Show. It wasn't my first choice of activity but we ended up having a great time and seeing some amazing flight stunts. My grandpa was in town and for those who remember him, he is always a hoot and he absolutely loved looking at all the planes with Tucker and my dad. And yes, Tucker was on cloud nine as he is dying to get his pilot's liscence someday.
Alysha you look like such the stylin mom in those glasses and cute jewelry! You and Capri are looking more and more alike each day. What a beautiful family!!
Alysha- These are some cute pictures from the airshow. I love the aviators. I went to an airshow once, but it was on my front lawn when we lived on Whidbey Island (right off of the Navy base). It looked like you ended up having a good time. :)
Your pics are great! I'm reading your post to Nick over the phone, as he's on call tonight. I'm trying to explain your glasses, and he says he already knows they are cool, why don't I get some? Nick says he's jealous, he wants to go be a pilot with Tuck too. (and get pilot glasses). Love and miss you guys!
The news is kinda freaking me out lately, Alysha-- you guys safe down there in Fireville?? Are the wild fires spreading anywhere near you? Holy moly. I am assuming everything is okay, but honestly. Let me know if all is well......
Hope you guys are surviving the fire! Let us know how you are! To answer your question, we are going to St George for Thanksgiving with the Hanks, so I will kinda be in SLC...we fly in for Thanksgiving dinner then drive to St George, I will only be passing though SLC. We come to SLC on Dec 18th for Xmas!!!! Can't wait! You?
My husband lived on Miramar before we got married so I know that base inside and out!! It looks like you had a good time!
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