Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Baby Clara (0-3 months)

Clara was such a good newborn. Her favorite place to be was cuddled right up on your chest. She would literally nestle her way in and snuggle and I couldn't get enough. None of my other kids were snuggle bugs like Clara so it really has been a treat. Tucker and I were talking about one of our favorite things about newborns is how they stick their bum out with their legs tucked right under when you pick them up. Nothing better. I just want to squeeze her and that tiny bum of hers!
The older kids absolutely love her. Even Karoline, who was pretty timid at first, is all over this baby and Clara is taking it as well as can be expected. It's actually been really fun to see Capri turn into Mommy's little helper. She is always willing to grab a diaper or blanket, she loves to hold her oh so carefully, and she talks to her constantly.
We started traveling with this little one at just ten days old and she is such a trooper! She was a breeze in California and loved being in the baby bjorn. We take her swimming, hiking, and even camping-crazy, but she was no problem. Just the day to day of having three older siblings and busy, busy schedules, Clara has learned to just go with the flow.
One week in particular was bad. She was only a month old and we were dealing with end-of-year school activities, Koko getting her tonsils out, Tucker out of town, and Koko getting her tonsils out. It was then that I decided to stop breastfeeding. I just couldn't do it and stay sane. But of course this sweet baby Clara of mine took the bottle no problem, as nasty as that formula tastes. 
If she does get fussy, all you need to do is hold her up right in front of you and gently bounce her in the air. It is quite the arm workout but works every time. She also loves being sung to, her favorite being "You Are My Sunshine." 
She still wakes up multiple times in the night which is pretty torturous for me, but hopefully we can catch up on some zzzs soon.
Clara loves her swing and bouncer seat and now she can sit up in the bumbo. She loves it!
Clara sleeping at 2 weeks old. One of those moments where they look so precious, you think about waking them up!
 Her first bath was taken in the Puj tub and she loved it!
Her favorite spot on Mommy's chest:
One of three girls now...

Koko "holding" Clara:
The kids just adore her!
One of her first smiles on camera, pretty dang cute.
At six weeks old in California. Aunt Elizabeth took this one!
 And now some month to months pics...
 I love that tongue...it's just a bit too big for her mouth so it is often hanging out!
 Starting to see some real chub...

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