I don't even know where to start, so why not the very beginning, especially because it was actually really funny. This trip had been in the works for awhile, and yet for some strange reason, we had a major miscommunication with the booking of our hotel rooms. So there we are, after midnight, asking for a room. Yeah, wasn't going to happen. Everything was booked! We ended up finding a room with just one bed for Cody, Cheri, Tucker and I to share. It was the hardest $500 to spend...
Ok, so we didn't really sleep like this, but we had to take a picture!
Once we got that over with, we were ready to start our trip bright and early the next morning. We headed to Rockefeller Center. We passed by the Today Show, walked through the NBC store, tried and failed to get Jimmy Fallon tickets, and did some shopping around there.
We then headed to Canal Street for more shopping and lunch at a fabulous cuban restaurant called Cafe Habana. Think hole in the wall, packed with people, delicious food. Yum.
Checking out Times Square later that afternoon...
Cody is a huge baseball fan and with the Yankees in the World Series, we couldn't pass up a game. Tucker and I aren't such fans, but even we could appreciate the overall ambience within that amazing stadium. Hot dogs eaten, National Anthem sung, America's favorite pastime being played, it was totally worth the tickets we got from the scalpers (who just about got into a fight because of us!).
Friday was another big day, a perfect day really. It started with a bang when we got the last 6 tickets to see Newsies. We were pretty excited...So were the guys...
Since we were down that way, we strolled along Wall Street. I was determined to find the bull, but no one was giving us great directions. Not until we found these guys. Who would want to get directions from the NYPD? They were actually really nice, maybe too nice! ;)
I talked everyone into doing a harbor tour and I am so glad they were up for it! It is the best way to see the city, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and a few of the magnificent bridges. It was more than a bit breezy, but totally worth it...
The girls...
The boys...
Lady Liberty. Hearing about Ellis Island and the thousands of people that traveled through really makes you feel a sense of pride. I loved it.
At it again in Times Square! This time we had an awesome accordion player doing his very best to make his instrument as cool as possible by playing "Bad Romance." Cheri and I thought it was perfect polka music...
Me any my wonderful, best-in-the-world kind of husband.For dinner that night, we ate right near Times Square at John's Pizza. Sounds like nothing too exciting, but it was nothing like your standard pizzeria. The restaurant was housed in an old church and left many architectural details to let you see what the church must have looked like. And hello, the garlic rolls and pizza were heaven.
Saturday was spent taking a quick walk through Central Park, stopping at the Manhattan Temple for a peak, and anxiously waiting for Newsies! We put our excited energy to good use...

And finally it was time for the show! I was beyond excited and I don't think I stopped smiling the entire time. It was even better than I thought it would be with extended songs and dance numbers-I was dying! We got a picture with the lead right after the show...
And now we want to audition...
That night we went to a fabulous mexican restaurant where we ate way too much guac. It wasn't enough to keep us away from our favorite desserts from Stand 4. Toasted marshmallow shakes and banana bread pudding-I am certain there isn't a better dessert on this planet, and I know my desserts!
Our last day was also Annelise's birthday so we had to celebrate with a breakfast fit for any birthday girl. Max Brenners...if you think you have had a beyond-rich-and-delicious breakfast, you are mistaken, unless you have eaten at Max Brenners. Think white chocolate syrup for your french toast...it's that good!
We needed to walk off the ridiculous amount of calories we had just eaten, so we took one last stroll through the park. It was the perfect way to end the trip...
Me and my two best friends. How lucky am I?
I guess I must be pretty lucky because I have this guy as my husband...
With a group like this, anything and everything is pretty great! A trip to New York-absolutely Fabulous!!!
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