Sunday, November 11, 2012

3 days

That's all it took. This girl was potty trained in 3 days and I could not believe it! What was funny was the fact that she started the whole thing. It was going to be a hectic September day and I was watching my niece London so I was not up for potty training by any means. Karoline, on the other hand, had found the new princess potty seat I had purposely hid, and was not going to back down. I went with it thinking it would last an hour. Then two, maybe three. The busy day continued and without too much thought of the potty training. I tried to remember as often as I could to take her, but she did great on her own! She loved her "potty training" which was what she called her princess seat, and she loved her princess panties. The treats didn't hurt either (though I wasn't really prepared so she got chocolate chips)!
She had her first accident on day 3 when she was too busy at Grammy's, but even then, she didn't pee all the way. Within the week, we were totally set. I had taken her to the gym on day two and when I came to get her, Capri had taken her potty already. I was golden! I didn't even have to stay home for more than that first day! Thank you Koko, you are amazing. You turned something that I was totally dreading into the best potty training experience on record...not to mention the fact that I don't have to buy anymore diapers-you were trained through the night a week later!

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