Roman and Capri have graduated from South Jordan Montessori. I cannot believe it. They will be Kindergarteners come August and I just don't know how this came to be. But they are ready. More than ready. Both of them talk about kindergarten all the time and are so excited to go to their new school and be a Daybreak Dolphin.
We have LOVED Montessori, however, and will be so sad to leave Miss Maryanne, Miss Carol, and that magical backyard. We will miss doing works and miss seeing our friends. Such wonderful school days will be missed, but we are all looking forward to making new friends, meeting our new teacher, and learning lots more!
The twins had a darling graduation program. As soon as we walked up, Capri and Roman were there with leis for my mom and I. They then walked us back to where the ceremony would be held. It was so very grown-up! Once everyone was seated, the program began...
They were getting pretty excited...They sang some of our favorite new songs including the continent song-Roman and Capri sing it all the time and now know all of the continents!
The whole class. Perfectly small. The boy on the top row on the very left is Miles. This sweet boy had a crush on Capri all year and would give her the cutest love notes and lots of kisses. Capri says she will marry Miles one day.
Graduation caps on!
Miss Carol, Capri, and Miss Maryanne.
When it was Roman's turn, he ran up and gave Miss Carol a hug. He really does love her!
Grandma and Grandpa were so supportive to come!
As was Grammy!
What a stud. I love this boy!
Me and my graduate.
So beautiful. I love this girl too!
Tucker and his graduate. Never mind the chocolate face-they had a lovely luncheon following the ceremony and Roman couldn't wait to dig into that chocolate cake!
Let's not forget the twin's number one fan, Karoline. She was happy to play and play in that magical backyard!
I am so proud of Roman and Capri. They have learned so much. They both received stellar report cards (straight "S's" for Strong) and both are well on their way to becoming great readers. They love reading "My First Books" and have conquered Biscuit. Capri reads Penny Loves Pink and is waiting for her CTR ring. I had told her she could get one once she read this book on her own. To my amazement, she brought me upstairs a few weeks later to read it to me. I never helped her with that one, she figured it out on her own! I love how both always look for words they can read-makes me a proud mom!
Roman must love math because his card was really full of everything he had passed off. They both love to count and we do so much counting to 100, now Koko counts pretty well! They completed their first official reports this past year as well. The school held an International Fair and each student chose a country or continent to focus on. Roman chose Italy and Capri chose Australia. They couldn't wait to put their posters together and show them off at the fair.
Most importantly, they have loved school and can't wait for more-I think they are off to a good start!
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