Sunday, April 29, 2012

Karoline's 2nd Birthday

My sweet, sweet Karoline is two. I love her to death and I will tell you why in my next post. Because I love her so much, I couldn't pass up her birthday without a party despite the fact that we had done two huge parties for the twins and gone on our cruise in the few weeks prior. It had been a bit insane and yet I knew this little one deserved her own special day! That being said, we kept it very simple, but very cute nonetheless.
Here is the birthday girl on our dessert table. She must have been tempted with all of the delicious goodies! I love that this picture shows how Koko knew it was her birthday and she was loving it!
Here are my girls in their matching sweaters that remind me of presents all wrapped up with pretty purple bows!
 Sweet Tooth Fairy cupcakes and scrumptious sugar does NOT get better than that!
 Karoline loved opening presents and we had the cutest video to show her enthusiasm, but unfortunately, she had been watching it on my phone and deleted it! AAHHH! Oh well, this will have to do.
 Does this say excitement?
After presents it was cupcake time. Karoline likes to sing the Birthday song, but she was too anxious about blowing out her candles...
 Look at that little mouth blow-so darn cute!

 And that's a wrap! Tucker and I doing our traditional, "1, 2, 3...smooch!" I think she likes it!
Happy Birthday Koko!

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

Haha, I LOVE the traditional birthday smooch! I might have to start doing that on my kids birthdays. She is so darling...what a cute party for a cute little girl. I love that enthusiasm on her face when opening her presents...classic!!

PS your mexico trip looks AMAZING!!!!!!!! You're so lucky you get to travel so much (and your kids are so lucky they get to go with you!). Beautiful pics.