Capri has continued to be my princess. She is my girl and I love everything about her. I love that she likes to wear dresses whenever she can. I love that she has multiple collections of rocks, seashells, and "treasures." I love that she bakes with me. I love her bangs. I love her laugh, especially when she is playing with her daddy. I love her smile (and her "Jon" smile is pretty dang cute too!). I love her spirit and I feel incredibly grateful to be her mother! Here is more about Capri at five years...
Capri loves anything art or craft related. Painting, play dough, drawing, coloring, gluing, and anything else involved in creating. She is our little budding artist and I have the piles of paintings and pictures to prove it.

She loves to "read stories." Books are great too, but when Capri asks to "read a story," it means creating a story using plenty of props. This all started with my mom using her puppets with Capri to make up stories. Soon Capri was obsessed with "reading stories" and asked Grandma every time they met (which is a lot when you share a backyard!). I offered to step in several times, but I was no good to her, only Grandma would suffice. Now Roman is an official partner in "reading stories" as well, which couldn't make Capri happier. I don't know how much Roman really enjoys it, but he is too good of a brother to let her down.
Capri has loved making new friends this year. She loves Norah from school, Kalli, Nadia and Nicole from church, and Mikayla and Norah from ballet. She isn't nearly as shy and can't wait to start chatting it up with her cute little friends. The neighbor kids, too many to name, get together so much now and it is so fun to watch them outside. They play and play, going from one yard to the next-I love spring!
Capri loves ballet and can't wait to grow up so she can "go up on my tippy toes!" She practices lots of leaps and always brings a stuffed animal to leap over. She also enjoys doing mermaids and turns. All she talks about now is going "on a stage" to dance. I can't believe that Capri has gone from sitting by my side during class as a 3 year-old, to jumping out of the car and running as fast as she can to class as a 5 year-old.
Capri likes to have her hair "flat." No curls, just blown dry straight with a headband.
Speaking of her hair, it grows like weeds. I don't know how many times we have gone in for a hair cut, but it's a good thing that she thoroughly enjoys Cookie Cutters because we visit regularly.
Capri loves to read a book, read scriptures, say prayers, and give a hug and kiss before bed. If she is really lucky, Daddy will rub her face, something she and I absolutely love.
Forget the dolls, Capri has a love for stuffed animals. Her very favorite is Fluffy, a tiny gray and white cat that I bought at the grocery store. The other day she had put together a present for Fluffy's birthday party-she loves her that much. She has a tiny mouse named Rapunzel, a white cat named Princess, an enormous pink bunny that we had to ship from Hawaii, and countless others that fill her bed and trunk.
Capri has always been such a good sister to Roman. She is always defending him (even when I am trying to discipline him!) and the two have more fun together than any other five year-olds I know. She has also become the sweetest big sister to Koko. Going to the gym with the kids was the biggest ordeal until now because Capri takes Karoline by the hand and watches over her. Karoline doesn't shed a tear knowing Capri is right by her side.
Capri has the cutest. bum. ever. Especially when she has the distinct tan line and her swimsuit has come up a bit to show it. Love it.
The scooter is Capri's choice of transportation these days. She is super confident on it and loves to go around the block as fast as she can.
Another way Capri keeps moving is jumping on the tramp. We just got it set up and she has already put plenty of hours on it.
If that wasn't enough physical activity, Capri is still swimming once a week. She has fabulous form and is starting to gain more confidence in her abilities. Just last week, she swam the width of the pool back and forth, without her teacher nearby. It was thrilling to see her light up with the realization of what she had accomplished! She has no problem floating on her back, dives for rings with sheer enjoyment, and has made great progress in her dolphins and swimming with breaths.
With all of this activity, I sure wish she would eat more! She is still such a picky eater and even when she does like something, the amount consumed is dismal.
Capri is a reader! She has completed her first set of Bob books and reads them like a champ. I can't tell you how much joy it brings me to have her develop this skill. She started reading a year ago, but going from single words to full books has truly been amazing! She also enjoys math and learning more about numbers, but her favorite subject is recess. It would be mine too if I went to school at South Jordan Montessori!
Princesses are still a big deal. Capri loves all things Disney Princess, books, movies, dresses, music, etc. It's pretty much a constant around here and I am totally good with it.
Capri received her report card for the first half of the school year and once again, she got straight "very strongs," and it doesn't get any higher than that! Her teacher, Miss Maryann, said that Capri loved to share in circle time and is always asking questions. A very inquisitive little girl. Tucker and I had to laugh when it also said that Capri has a strong sense of order...can I say bossy? She just wants to make sure everyone is on task!
Capri still loves bugs. That's all I have to say about that.
Capri is curious, kind, very talkative, funny, imaginative, dramatic, full of life, and as happy as can be. I wouldn't want her any other way and I love her too much to express!
On her actual birthday in Cabo San Lucas
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