Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Primary Program

The twin's first primary program, not a huge success, but I will take what I can get. I knew Capri would have a hard time getting up in front of the entire congregation and speak into that loud microphone, but I had hope. She knew her line, "My favorite scripture story was when Baby Jesus was born," and she was prepared with the few practices they held prior. Unfortunately, the time came and neither would end up speaking. It started with Roman telling us he had to use the bathroom JUST as they called the Primary up to the stand. Bad timing? I think so. Tucker took Capri up and she was not about to sit with her class without Roman and without her teacher (there was a substitute that she didn't know at all) so she sat with Tucker and his class. I rushed Roman to the bathroom and then took him straight up soon after the program started. He wouldn't sit with his class either and Tucker had already sent Capri down so there I am. Karoline in my arms, sitting on my knees on the floor, trying to persuade the two to sit with their class. Not going to happen. I then took them out and tried talking them into walking up to say their parts. They said they would so we go back up only for them to get scared and so we go back down. I was almost in tears as I brought them all back to our seats. Why I thought it was so important I don't know, but I was so upset about it. Fortunately, my mom came to help and talked them into going up to sit with Grandpa and his class to sing the rest of the songs. They actually sang! Maybe next year will be better, but having them up there doing their best was good enough for me. :)
Here we are right before heading to church...
Yeah, they may not have said their parts, but they were looking mighty cute that day! :)

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