This post was started awhile when Karoline was actually 18 months old...

Koko has become one smart cookie with loads of attitude. As I am sure I have said before but can’t say enough, she is full of sunshine and continues to brighten our day with her contagious smiles, grown-up antics (she must think she is 10 years older!), and eagerness to be one of the big kids. Our Karoline loves to laugh and we can’t get enough of that deep chuckle. Tucker can always get her to start by tickling her with his scruff and the twins love to pull silly stunts to trigger her sought after laugh.
What makes me laugh is the way Karoline tries to be funny. How could she be old enough to even know what is considered funny? She does have her siblings to help and we have already seen their influence. Roman and Capri are into the potty humor and think bums are about as hilarious as it gets. Well, just the other night, Karoline said, “poopy, poopy.” She must have been telling me what was to come because a few minutes later she was ripe. When I asked her if she had a poopy diaper she replied, “poopy bum!” and then laughed. Starting to tell jokes at the age of one, that’s our Koko!
Karoline is already learning to follow directions and my favorite is when I ask her to get a diaper. She actually gets excited to run over to the end table, open the drawer, find a diaper, grab the wipes, and run back with a smile. She is not, however, excited to actually get changed. She is such a pill these days when it comes to getting her diaper changed or getting dressed-just like Roman and opposite of Capri.
Karoline got her first haircut! We cut bangs and did away with the mullet in the back. The twins have to get their hair cut every 6 weeks so I figured I wasn't adding too much more work with the bangs and she looks so dang cute. I was a bit sad because of how much older she looked, but I couldn't stand the hair in her face all the time so bangs worked perfectly.

Sucker in hand for her first time at Cookie Cutters
She loves to feed herself. Koko loves to eat oatmeal for breakfast and cheese for every other meal. It's weird how much cheese this girl can eat! She also likes bear drinks (what my kids call Pediasure), my green drinks, chocolate milk, yogurt, chicken, turkey, ketchup, and In 'N Out.
She is also learning how to answer yes or no questions with uh-huh for yes and uh-uh for no. It really helps when I am trying to figure out what this girl wants because let me tell you, Karoline has some serious demands!
She can point and name several body parts including belly button, toes, eyes, teeth, nose, hair, and my favorite, brow...which is obviously her favorite too because she always starts with that one!
Karoline started folding her arms during prayers without even being asked or shown. So sweet.
I have stopped trying to keep track of all of Karoline’s words, but some of the newest additions to her vocabulary include stop, Grandma, drink, cookie, and show. She has also started putting words together and will say, “Daddy, look, bike," or "get down" and "all gone." Just the other morning, Karoline was making it known that she was awake by yelling out to us. Tucker went to grab her and she says, "night, night" and then signs "all done." Genius.
Koko loves her Pottery Barn blankets and calls them "bleh-beh." She has started to bite her blankets and when Capri saw this for the first time, she asked, "Mom, do only girls suck on their blankets?" No Capri, just you and now your sister! :)
Something we are really working on with Karoline is being nice to her cousin London. These girls are together all the time considering they share a backyard and their moms are inseparable. They have got to get along! London is as friendly and happy as they come-seriously an angel baby girl. Then there is Karoline who freaks out the second she sees London. She immediately clings to Grandma and her toys (things she does NOT want to share), and she makes her territory known. Karoline gives dirty scowls, hits and even bites her (she gets that from her dad-a terrible biter as a toddler!). We have to get mad and tell her no but it doesn't seem to be working. Karoline will now get caught being mean and immediately gives London a toy or hugs her-manipulative, I know. Any ideas? Let me know!
18 months and only eight teeth. She has two molars almost in on the top which will put her at ten, but still, not many.

She is still my water baby!
More than anything, this girl loves to play. She is pretty good to play with toys and her favorites are babies, purses, and cars. Karoline now loves to sing to her baby while rocking it in the cradle. Cuteness explosion. She has to have a purse to carry around and really, it can be anything that has a handle. She then puts her baby in the stroller and with her purse on her shoulder, she is a mini me. Cuteness explosion, again. What I didn't expect was her interest in cars. We can thank Roman for that, I'm sure, and I love that they have something to play together.
Karoline also loves to play outside and asks for "ah-side" all the time. She will climb into the stroller or wagon to be taken for a ride and is ridiculous disappointed if it doesn't happen. She also loves a day at the park. She is fearless when it comes to the slide and will fly down with an open-mouthed grin. She can't get enough of it and the swings come in a close second.
This girl loves her shoes. She puts on 3 different pairs a day. I could be in trouble.
One of her favorite games is one, two, three, fall into your arms. She stands on the ottoman and starts to count, "a, two, wee!" and you better be ready because she is coming no matter what!
Karoline has the most expressive face I have ever seen. When she is first waking up, she scrunches her face up with her lips puckered up and then scrunched up to her nose. She also pulls the ultimate cheesy smile with a big wide grin and closed eyes. Love her to death!
The Girls all ready for church
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