Sunday, August 14, 2011

Splash Pad Fun

We may have a problem. You see, a new bakery came into town a few months ago called Swirly Girls. I love Swirly Girls and so do my kids. My kids also love the Splash Pad right across the street from this new bakery. Do you see my problem?
Karoline was so nervous at first but ended the afternoon getting soaking wet!
Capri loved being there with all of her friends, the Phillips, Bonds, and Ross', and so did I-nothing better than being able to chat it up with the girls while the kids play and play...
We also played on the swings at the park right next to the splash pad and my kids are always game for a few underdogs!Karoline loved being at the helm:These two have so much fun together and I am loving their playfulness these days!A Great Day! It's written all over this boy's face...

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