This little girl cracks me up! She is FULL of personality and we are all easily entertained by her. Karoline, now often referred to as Koko, loves her big brother and big sister and wants desperately to play just like them. I can't get enough of their time spent in the playroom together. To watch little Koko standing to the kitchen and pulling everything out, pushing around her tea cart, or playing cars with Roman-it's like she is one of the big kids! I hate that she is growing up so fast, she has been such a sweet baby, but I can't wait to see what this little one can do as she grows into her own and continues to develop her smart and spunky personality. Here are a few new tricks she has been working on the past three months:
*WALKING!!! I am proud to say we have a girl walking on her own. She took her first steps 2 1/2 months ago on our first trip to St. George, took plenty of steps on Easter Sunday, and a few more episodes since, but nothing to get her to WANT to walk on her own. I could get her to walk when she assumed I was helping her (we would put things in her hands to hold instead of our fingers, wrap a towel around her chest, or hold onto the back of her shirt). I was thanking my lucky stars knowing that she would be a handful once the walking began, but recently realized that she would be happier if she could walk on her own. So I decided to practice with her and she walked on her first try! She kept walking after that and I was even able to get it on video-posted below! She hasn't taken off yet, but I am sure she is well on her way so wish me luck!*TALK, TALK, TALKING!!! This girl amazes me when it comes to her willingness to repeat words, especially if her sister asks her to. I started to write down all of the words she knew, but I have lost track this past week with so many new words. Some of her favorites are: hello, baby, bubble, all done, walk, thank you, dog, ball, tick-tock, uh-oh, nana (banana), bye-bye, Mommy, Daddy, Roman, Capri, and our favorites, peek-a-boo and I love you. Sweetest. Thing. Ever.
*Karoline has decided that she wants to feed herself and doesn't want to eat anything that she doesn't pick up or spoon in herself. This is going to get messy!
*Swimming lessons! Karoline and I do a parent-tot class with my sister-in-law Drew and her baby Isla. Karoline likes doing her scoops (she sits on my knee while I take her hands and scoop in the water) and side-to-sides (I lay her on her side in the water so that her cheeks touch the water). Her favorite part is when we lay them on their tummies on a floating mat and we kick their legs. She doesn't, however, like to go to her teacher for underwater "mmmms" or to float on her back. We will work on that.
*She knows how to get what she wants. Karoline will point and grunt/whine to let us know what she wants. If we pick up something that she doesn't want, she shakes her head or swings her arm as if she is swatting it away. This also occurs when I try to take her away from her Daddy...definitely still a daddy's girl. :)

*Koko plays peek-a-boo, loves balls, pulls everything out of every drawer and cupboard, is obsessed with the broom, and absolutely loves the water, especially if it is running.
*She still has a fear of strangers, but only if they are trying to hold her. Otherwise, she is happy to wave, give high fives and bones, and smile and say hello. We just spent a week in Mexico where the locals couldn't get enough of the little ones, Karoline inlcuded. At first she didn't know what to think of it all, but soon enough, she was smiling and waving at everyone. She even hit a flight attendant in the bum and when the attendant turned around, Karoline smiled and said "halla" which means hello. Luckily the attendant thought it was as cute as I did.*Karoline signs the only signs I have taught her-more and bird. I have got to teach her some more because she doesn't like to watch the"Signing Time" videos, the same ones the twins loved. She doesn't like to watch any TV for that matter, which isn't a problem at all unless you are traveling when it would be really helpful!
*She gives great kisses, especially after she sees Tucker and I kiss.
*Karoline is still very nurturing and loves her babies. She will rock them in the cradle, hold them close and pat them, and sits in her anywhere chair with them in her lap.
*When asked, she can point to her toes, nose, eye, brow, belly button, and now teeth (which she only has 6 of)!
*I am still feeding her a bottle at night. I know, shame on me. I can't help but have a few minutes to snuggle up with her and soak up as much baby time as I possibly can!
Karoline had her 15-month check-up and is doing great according to Dr. Zarbock. She is developing and growing just as she should and is as happy as anyone could possibly be! Here are her stats:
Head Circumfrence:18.7 inches placing her in the 85th percentile
Height: 32 inches placing her in the 90th percentile
Weight: 21.3 pounds placing her in the 25th percentile
So, another tall and skinny baby for the Nielson family! I am sad to see her chub go, but as active as our Koko is, we knew it wouldn't take long before her nickname "fattycakes" didn't fit. I guess that's a good thing. :) We are just so grateful for this girl who has been nothing but an absolute delight. We love her and can't get enough of her sunshine!
1 comment:
I'm so happy to hear she's walking! It give me hope for Naomi ;) I'm going to practice some of those tricks. I forget your pediatrician is Zak! PLEASE tell him hello from the Maughan's next time you see him...we miss having them in our ward and hanging out with them. I'm totally with you on the bottle thing...my favorite time of day is when I get to snuggle with the baby and feed her a bottle. Can't give it up just yet ;) Koko (love the nickname) is so adorable...we HAVE to get together and let our kids play! Are you all well this week? Plans? I'll call you.
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