On our last trip here, Capri took the entire week to venture into the sand and actually help build some sand castles. She was just fine to sit on the towels with the adults and eat snacks. I had a different girl this trip. Not only did Capri love playing in the sand, she LOVED being in the ocean! I couldn't believe it! She was having the time of her life jumping in the water and over the waves. Sweet Grandma would take her and Roman out to play and then even Aunt Drew took a turn entertaining these two in chest-deep water. I was so impressed!
Roman was named our "Beach Boy" because he could not get enough of it. He has always enjoyed being at the beach, but he has never been so willing to get out into the water. We were hearing him laugh so hard as he went in and out of the water. He must have thought it was pretty great! I tried to go out with him, but he wanted Grandma...I guess I wasn't doing it right!
Here's Drew and baby Isla soaking it all in:
Miss Karoline's first day on the beach. The last time she was here, she was in my tummy! I was so nervous about bringing a baby to the beach, especially without Tucker there to help, but she was great! Karoline absolutely loved being walked along the shore to get her feet in the water and got so excited as the water would rush in. She also loved just hanging out in the sand and not once did she try to shove it in her mouth! Miracle! This is definitely a beach baby!
As you can see, it turned out to be a beautiful day at the beach. However, it didn't start out that way. Funny story. We drive all the way to the beach, unload all of the umbrellas, chairs, towels, bags and coolers, set up, sit down, and bam! It starts to pour! We were racing to load everything up in the terrible blowing rain and were completely disappointed. Well, as soon as we loaded everything and everyone, the sun came out. Are you serious?! We were weary of heading out again, but thought it was worth a try. A good thing we stayed!

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