My tan has faded so I guess it's about time to write a post on our fabulous getaway to Hawaii! A couple of months ago, my mother-in-law suggested we do a girls trip to the condo. The guys couldn't come with us and Tucker would be traveling for work, so we thought why not go without them. I wanted to be excited, but I was so nervous! How could I do a 6-7 hour plane ride each way, one of which was a red eye, with three kids by myself? Once we were in Hawaii, how was I going to handle watching kids at the pool and beach? And how was I going to do all of this on no sleep because kids never sleep well on trips? I started to panic, but decided to go for it knowing I would have my mom and mother-in-law there to help.
After 4 hours on the plane, I started to regret my decision. I was dying! Karoline slept for 40 minutes the entire trip and the twins didn't sleep at all. They all needed to be entertained and due to the terrible seating arrangements, there wasn't much anyone could do to help. Oh, and Karoline learned how to bug her sister on that trip...nice. Fortunately, as soon as I stepped off that plane and headed out through the airport (which has to be the best outdoor airport ever), I knew the flight was going to be totally worth it, and it was.
We had such a great time! I couldn't believe how much fun I had watching my kids have so much fun. They were absolutely in heaven and it made me so happy! I was also thrilled to have a baby girl that slept so well while we were there. The twins were always terrible travelers that way, but even they slept great this trip (not surprising, however, considering how much we wore them out each day!).
We spent our days going to the pool (like everyday!), ventured to the beach a couple of times, and hit up some great tourist attractions such as Sea Life Park, International Marketplace and Honolulu Zoo. It was so nice to spend time with the girls and we always had plenty to talk about. We proved to ourselves that not only can we do a trip like this, but we can have a fabulous time!
There were so many pictures taken so I am going to break them up. I will add posts as quickly as I can...