Thursday, February 3, 2011
Our Newest Sunbeams!
I cannot believe that the twins are in Primary and are official Sunbeams! Tucker and I are Primary teachers so we get to see them make the transition and they have done great! I am so proud. The first couple of weeks were a bit scary for Capri. The first day was insane trying to manage three Sunbeam classes (that is 24 Sunbeams!) and I think the chaos was a bit much. She would have loved if I had stayed with her the entire time, but I knew she would be OK as long as she could see me in the back. One day she had a little boy kicking the back of her chair and no one was doing anything about it. She was getting quite upset and telling him he better stop but to no avail. She then looked at me and I could see her eyes starting to fill with tears. I said a little prayer hoping that the Primary leader would pick on her for their little game they were playing. I knew it was just what she needed and sure enough, she was picked very next! It seemed ridiculous to pray for such a thing, and I don't think I did it seriously with any hope that it would work, but wow, her name was written right there on the popsicle stick! Anyway, Capri went up with the biggest smile on her face and from there on out, she has been the happiest little Sunbeam.
Roman has been awesome about the whole thing from day one. I love to watch him as he goes from staring at the leader in his own little world, to really getting into learning the actions of a song and looking to his teacher for direction. Last Sunday he was picked to check the Primary Mailbox. He goes up with his hand in his pocket and looked like such a stud. Tucker turns to me and says, "My son is cooler than I am." I was loving it. He was so proud of himself and felt like such a big boy.
Karoline must love church because it is where she started to crawl last month! I had taken her out of our Relief Society Meeting because she wasn't cooperating and brought her into the nursery room. She was so eager to get to a toy, she started to crawl, belly up this time. I almost screamed I was so excited, but then realized this wasn't the place to be loud! She also learned how to do a fish face during Sacrament a few weeks ago. Cheri was sitting with us and started making faces and Karoline just mimicked her. I was dying to take a picture with my phone because it was so dang cute, but no worries, I resisted.
Since we can't take pictures at church, we have taken a few at home of the kiddos in their Sunday best. Could they be any more adorable?
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Alysha, they all are so adorable!! I can't believe that my kids will be sunbeams next year, time sure flies! Sadie is still having a hard time with me leaving here in Nursery, Sawyer loves it and would be just fine with out me in there, I am hoping soon she will be okay so I can take off and not have to worry about her getting sad when I leave.. But for now I think I will be staying in for awhile. :)
I'm so worried for when Judd is a sunbeam. I just don't see him sitting steel. Your kids are growing up so fast! They look so cute in their Sunday best! I need to take more pics on a Sunday, good idea! Also, thanks for your encouragement with Judd and potty training. I've really been working hard with him this week and he's doing better. Your comment gave me hope!
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