Karoline is my dream baby. She is the sweetest little doll, is full of personality, loves to play, sing, and dance, is a great eater and sleeper now, and has yet to crawl. See, a dream baby! We are all so in love and really can't get enough of her (as in sometimes I want to eat her, literally!). Karoline's personality has grown considerably and can I say that if there was a perfect personality type, she would have it. Completely sweet, yet a bit of spunk, always up for fun, as happy as can be, no sob stories unless she is hurt or she really wants something(and in that case she will let you know!), and for one so small, Karoline is so nurturing. I know, perfection! I also know that things can change, but we will savor this stage for as long as we can. :)
Karoline has lots of new interests and tricks and here are a few:*This girl loves to dance and wow can she move. Whenever she hears music, and I mean whenever, she starts dancing by bobbing up and down. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
*She rolls everywhere and can now scoot on the hardwood floor. Just when we were thinking she was going to follow in her mother's footsteps (I never crawled, always scooted just like she is doing), Karoline has started putting herself in the crawling position from the sitting position. She still hasn't crawled, but it looks like it is in the works...baby-proofing starts now.
*She likes to pull herself up in her crib so time to move the mattress down now too!
*While drinking her bottle, Karoline has to hold my fingers and play with them.
*Karoline sings all the time, especially when she is listening to music (she loves the Disneysoundtracks and all of the Christmas music we have had playing lately). We hear her "la, la, las" and "da, da, das" when she is going down to bed as well. It's like she is singing herself to sleep!
*Her favorite game is still "peek-a-boo" but now she can move the blanket we lay on her face. I play with her every time I put her down in her crib and she loves it and laughs so hard. She then gets so excited that she starts kicking her legs up in the air over and over again.
*Karoline adores her big brother and big sister. We count on them as sure fire ways to get her to smile and laugh-it works every time. She is really so content just being wherever they are so she can watch them play and interact.
*She still loves strangers as long as I am holding her or nearby. She wasn't a fan at getting her picture taken which I was surprised to see. Other than that, however, everyone loves talking to such an expressive little girl and she loves all of the attention.
*She loves to play, play, play. If she had a preference, it would definitely be with non-toys (keys, cellphones, kitchen utensils, straws, and remotes are her faves), but real toys are great too as long as you keep adding in new ones.
*As I mentioned, she is very nurturing. EVERY time I hand her a doll, she squeezes it and then starts to pat it and give it kisses (more like slobbers all over it, but it's a start).
*None of my kids are huge cuddlers, but Karoline is more so than the twins. One of my favorite tricks of hers is that whenever I lean my head in, she returns the favor and leans in towards me. So sweet.
*I love her scrunched up face she pulls when she gets tickled or has a tickle in her nose-I will try to get it on camera one of these days.
*Unfortunately, Karoline doesn't like her car-seat too much. One thing about this girl that keeps me on my toes is that she gets bored so easily. She wants to be entertained which is hard to do in the car! Hence, the music is a constant in our car and it seems to help most of the time.
*Karoline has to have two toys at all times, one to manipulate the other with. She must be smart, right?!
*She still clicks her tongue when she is happy or when we click our tongue as to say, "Hi!"
*Her new dropping game is a hit...with her. She drops something off of her high chair and has even said, "Uh-uh" instead of "uh-oh." Also, when I put her padded ring around her head like a halo, she lets it drop off and then tries to put it back on...but her arms aren't quite long enough (in fact, I think they may be a bit short like her dad's!).
*She finally got her first tooth this past week! Hooray!
I took her to the doctor for her 9-month check-up and she did great! The doctor said she looks very healthy, is growing and developing just as she should. I was amazed that when the nurse did a toe poke to draw blood, Karoline didn't even cry. Then, they gave her a booster flu shot and she cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Amazing, especially when compared to taking the twins to get their shots!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 19.3 lbs placing her in the 60th percentile
Height: 29 inches placing her in the 90th percentile
Head Circumfrence: I'm not sure the inches but she is in the 85th percentile
So she is in the same percentiles for weight and height as she was at her 6 month check-up, but it looks like she is starting to grow into her head a bit because that is down from the 93rd percentile. She is definitely a Curtis baby! So much so, in fact, that my mom swears she is holding me as a baby instead of Karoline.
*She rolls everywhere and can now scoot on the hardwood floor. Just when we were thinking she was going to follow in her mother's footsteps (I never crawled, always scooted just like she is doing), Karoline has started putting herself in the crawling position from the sitting position. She still hasn't crawled, but it looks like it is in the works...baby-proofing starts now.
*She likes to pull herself up in her crib so time to move the mattress down now too!
*While drinking her bottle, Karoline has to hold my fingers and play with them.
*Karoline sings all the time, especially when she is listening to music (she loves the Disneysoundtracks and all of the Christmas music we have had playing lately). We hear her "la, la, las" and "da, da, das" when she is going down to bed as well. It's like she is singing herself to sleep!
*Her favorite game is still "peek-a-boo" but now she can move the blanket we lay on her face. I play with her every time I put her down in her crib and she loves it and laughs so hard. She then gets so excited that she starts kicking her legs up in the air over and over again.
*Karoline adores her big brother and big sister. We count on them as sure fire ways to get her to smile and laugh-it works every time. She is really so content just being wherever they are so she can watch them play and interact.
*She still loves strangers as long as I am holding her or nearby. She wasn't a fan at getting her picture taken which I was surprised to see. Other than that, however, everyone loves talking to such an expressive little girl and she loves all of the attention.
*She loves to play, play, play. If she had a preference, it would definitely be with non-toys (keys, cellphones, kitchen utensils, straws, and remotes are her faves), but real toys are great too as long as you keep adding in new ones.
*As I mentioned, she is very nurturing. EVERY time I hand her a doll, she squeezes it and then starts to pat it and give it kisses (more like slobbers all over it, but it's a start).
*None of my kids are huge cuddlers, but Karoline is more so than the twins. One of my favorite tricks of hers is that whenever I lean my head in, she returns the favor and leans in towards me. So sweet.
*I love her scrunched up face she pulls when she gets tickled or has a tickle in her nose-I will try to get it on camera one of these days.
*Unfortunately, Karoline doesn't like her car-seat too much. One thing about this girl that keeps me on my toes is that she gets bored so easily. She wants to be entertained which is hard to do in the car! Hence, the music is a constant in our car and it seems to help most of the time.
*Karoline has to have two toys at all times, one to manipulate the other with. She must be smart, right?!
*She still clicks her tongue when she is happy or when we click our tongue as to say, "Hi!"
*Her new dropping game is a hit...with her. She drops something off of her high chair and has even said, "Uh-uh" instead of "uh-oh." Also, when I put her padded ring around her head like a halo, she lets it drop off and then tries to put it back on...but her arms aren't quite long enough (in fact, I think they may be a bit short like her dad's!).
*She finally got her first tooth this past week! Hooray!
I took her to the doctor for her 9-month check-up and she did great! The doctor said she looks very healthy, is growing and developing just as she should. I was amazed that when the nurse did a toe poke to draw blood, Karoline didn't even cry. Then, they gave her a booster flu shot and she cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Amazing, especially when compared to taking the twins to get their shots!
Here are her stats:
Weight: 19.3 lbs placing her in the 60th percentile
Height: 29 inches placing her in the 90th percentile
Head Circumfrence: I'm not sure the inches but she is in the 85th percentile
So she is in the same percentiles for weight and height as she was at her 6 month check-up, but it looks like she is starting to grow into her head a bit because that is down from the 93rd percentile. She is definitely a Curtis baby! So much so, in fact, that my mom swears she is holding me as a baby instead of Karoline.
What do you think? 

Me at 8 months

Karoline at 9 months
Karoline is so much cuter with her round face, but I can see the similarities in our eyes and smiles!
Totally mini Alysha!!! love it!
Those pictures are so beautiful!! Love her. She looks SOOO much like you (lucky girl!).
love the pictures and she totally looks like you!
I never saw the similarity before, but WOW! She looks so much like a little you.
I can really see you in her! How cute!
So cute and she also has your adorable personality!!
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