What a happy baby! Karoline is like sunshine and is always willing to smile for you. Everyone seems to see what an angel she is within moments of meeting her and I couldn't agree more. I am absolutely, 110%, head over heels, in love with her. This is why:
*When you talk to her and tell her how much you love her, she responds by clicking her tongue and smiling back...melts. my. heart.
*You know she is happy when she kicks her legs and the faster they move, the happier she is...kind of like a dog wagging its tail, but way cuter.
*Karoline is child number three and this means no concrete schedule, being "loved" by an older brother and sister, and due to the lack of time, doesn't get bathed daily like she needs to be. However, she is amazingly willing to go with the flow and make the most of it!
*Her pats are the best. She sits there and pats you on your arm over and over.
*Karoline loves faces. She will hold your face in her hands and then try to eat it. It's like a really wet kiss all over.
*She is a momma's girl and seems to be happiest when I am there. If I have been away, I return to hold her and she doesn't stop at the face. She tries to eat my hands, arms and even legs-whatever she can get her mouth on.
*We are making huge progress on the eating solids thing. Such a stress relief when your child decides they do like to eat something other than their bottle!
*Speaking of eating, she is still our fattycakes and the chub could not be better.
*Her sister (and sometimes her brother) are her favorite entertainers. Capri can get her to laugh in no time and will keep her laughing forever. There is not a better sound than a baby laughing, especially when it is a deep belly laugh like my Karoline's.
*She can roll anywhere she wants to go and she can roll fast!
*Karoline is as sweet as they come, but she is starting to get a bit of attitude. If she wants to play with your phone and you take it away, she will let you know! If she sees you make a bottle and don't immediately put it in her mouth, watch out!
*She is a smart cookie! When trying to feed her, I would do whatever I could to get her to smile so that her mouth would open and I could spoon some food in. That worked for about 2 seconds. She quickly learned and would keep her lips closed shut for the rest of the attempted feeding.
*Her hands are held with such femininity. She moves them just so daintily and with those dimples for knuckles, I swear it doesn't get much cuter!
*She develops a new "thing" all the time and uses it constantly for a few days as if she wants to show it off. Some of her "things" are sticking her tongue out, closing her lips together as if she is saying, "I will not talk!" and finally, my favorite, jabbering with intermitten blowing of spit.
*Karoline gets bored easily and so she needs to be entertained. Fortunately she loves toys, but sometimes they don't do the trick. She has moved on to phones, keys, glasses, and her new favorite, pop cans (with a pin hole punched through to allow the liquid to drain without having to open the top-thank you Tanya for the tip!).
*When she gets something she loves, a toy, her bottle, your hand, she repeatedly squeezes it, opening and closing her cute little hand around it.
*Something about her being able to use a straw is so darn cute.
*She thinks its funny when her dad startles her - Just don't do it too much.
*This little girl has some serious fine motor skills. The "passing an object from one hand to the other" and the "pincer grasp" milestones have been passed off for some time now. Using the pincer grasp to grab bits of bread from her tray to put into her mouth...to. die. for.
And for the 6-month stats:
-Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz placing her in the 60th percentile
-Height: 27 inches placing her in the 90th percentile
-Head circumfrence: I can't remember exactly, but she is in the 93rd percentile! Does anyone remember my little brother Jon as a baby? Yeah, she gets it from my side of the family. :)
I love this stage and I love this girl-good times ahead!
*Karoline loves faces. She will hold your face in her hands and then try to eat it. It's like a really wet kiss all over.
*She is a momma's girl and seems to be happiest when I am there. If I have been away, I return to hold her and she doesn't stop at the face. She tries to eat my hands, arms and even legs-whatever she can get her mouth on.
*We are making huge progress on the eating solids thing. Such a stress relief when your child decides they do like to eat something other than their bottle!
*Speaking of eating, she is still our fattycakes and the chub could not be better.
*Her sister (and sometimes her brother) are her favorite entertainers. Capri can get her to laugh in no time and will keep her laughing forever. There is not a better sound than a baby laughing, especially when it is a deep belly laugh like my Karoline's.
*She can roll anywhere she wants to go and she can roll fast!
*Karoline is as sweet as they come, but she is starting to get a bit of attitude. If she wants to play with your phone and you take it away, she will let you know! If she sees you make a bottle and don't immediately put it in her mouth, watch out!
*She is a smart cookie! When trying to feed her, I would do whatever I could to get her to smile so that her mouth would open and I could spoon some food in. That worked for about 2 seconds. She quickly learned and would keep her lips closed shut for the rest of the attempted feeding.
*Her hands are held with such femininity. She moves them just so daintily and with those dimples for knuckles, I swear it doesn't get much cuter!
*She develops a new "thing" all the time and uses it constantly for a few days as if she wants to show it off. Some of her "things" are sticking her tongue out, closing her lips together as if she is saying, "I will not talk!" and finally, my favorite, jabbering with intermitten blowing of spit.
*Karoline gets bored easily and so she needs to be entertained. Fortunately she loves toys, but sometimes they don't do the trick. She has moved on to phones, keys, glasses, and her new favorite, pop cans (with a pin hole punched through to allow the liquid to drain without having to open the top-thank you Tanya for the tip!).
*When she gets something she loves, a toy, her bottle, your hand, she repeatedly squeezes it, opening and closing her cute little hand around it.
*Something about her being able to use a straw is so darn cute.
*She thinks its funny when her dad startles her - Just don't do it too much.
*This little girl has some serious fine motor skills. The "passing an object from one hand to the other" and the "pincer grasp" milestones have been passed off for some time now. Using the pincer grasp to grab bits of bread from her tray to put into her mouth...to. die. for.
And for the 6-month stats:
-Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz placing her in the 60th percentile
-Height: 27 inches placing her in the 90th percentile
-Head circumfrence: I can't remember exactly, but she is in the 93rd percentile! Does anyone remember my little brother Jon as a baby? Yeah, she gets it from my side of the family. :)
I love this stage and I love this girl-good times ahead!
VERY fun to read but I need a PICTURE!!!
Oh I need to see her more often...she's adorable! She reminds me of Naomi in a lot of ways (gets bored if she doesn't have siblings to entertain, a total mamma's girl, etc). We need to get together more often Alysha! Great post. You'll want to remember those things.
She is very cute! Big beautiful smile like her Momma!
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