Length: 70%
Weight: 80%
Head Circumfrence: 90%
So yes, just like her brother and sister, we have a chunky baby with lots of brains! She gets the big noggin from my family, but my mom has convinced me that all the models and movies stars have big heads as well...hmmm, I may need to look into the validity of that!
Besides just being a girl that loves to eat and grow, this baby is an absolute dream. Her cooing herself to sleep, laughing at her brother and sister (Capri has become the bestest little entertainer), and smiling for anyone and everyone makes me a very happy mom. We are constantly amazed at what she has learned already-rolling over now both ways (that just as of yesterday), grabbing for toys and putting them in her mouth, and all around incredibly responsive to the world around her. I love when she grabs her toes, coos out loud just to see how loud she can be, tries to hold her bottle, and rubs her hand back and forth across my chest while she is nursing. Love, love, love this girl and so does everyone that sees her and gets a smile out of her.
Karoline is still the queen of cat naps and I don't love that, but she sleeps through the night no problem. She usually wakes up around 6:00am, eats for 10 minutes tops, then goes right back down for another 2 hours. Hence, I haven't tried to do any kind of sleep training and I won't even attempt that until I know I can be consistent with her schedule...aka when summer is over. We have had way too much fun playing til our hearts content to worry about routines so more about our summer coming soon...
She's adorable! I bought Mary and Tess the same cute 4th of July outfit. I couldn't resist!
4 months! Time has flown by way too fast!
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