I really can't believe how well Roman and Capri have adjusted to the new baby. Considering the fact that Capri refused to even look at Karoline in the hospital and now is "Mommy's little helper" with the baby, she has done quite a bit of maturing. In fact, both Roman and Capri have done things that would melt your heart in caring for Karoline. They are little tasks such as Roman rocking her car seat when Karoline started to cry, Capri trying to feed her with a bottle (I just hope it hadn't been sitting out for too long!), both giving Karoline binkies (whether Karoline wants them or not), getting her to smile, and Capri constantly comparing her to when she was little. She will tell me that she wore this and that when she was little, that she would be in the same swing when she was little, that she used the car seat when she was little and it is all very cute.
That being said, we have not gone without some serious moodiness, temper tantrums (that have definitely worsened in type-rather than just collapsing to the floor, Roman now acts as if he is having an exaggerated seizure of some sort), and overall emotional chaos. I am sure they are just reacting to our new addition and the fact that they aren't getting as much attention. But don't worry, they have their ways in finally reaching me...
Case in point#1 Roman's "art piece" that is officially worth close to $8. You see, these aren't just any old stickers on the computer screen, they are stamps! He had them posted all over the computer, desk, chair and...

This time she actually fell asleep while in her dress-ups which, with the blanket in her mouth, really adds to the scene.
I so worry about the regression that will happen when we have our next baby! But I do have to say that the pictures of Roman with the Breast pump made me laugh out loud!
That makes me laugh because Mikayla does the SAME thing with my breast pump!! It was SOOO good to see you the other day, let's seriously get together more often so our kids can play. Mikayla loved playing dress-ups with Capri! She keeps talking about it!
This is hilarious!
That is so funny! Stockton likes to help me with the buttons on my breast pump but he hasn't gone as far as trying it out on himself.
Alysha, you can't be calling your blog "And Then There Were Four" anymore....
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