We are home and it feels great! I love my house and it is so nice to be back and settled in...

We love taking runs and walks in our neighborhood. We head to the new temple and back or around the lake. Here we are just taking a sunday stroll...

Roman is always happy to hang out in the stroller...just not for long-he was out of there right after this picture was taken.
And this is Capri taking a rest after our long walk:

Your house is so cute! I am glad that you are all settled now. I love your neighborhood and how much space there is to walk and play! Capri looks so big in the picture by herself, she is so pretty. You guys are an adorable family!
You are living so close to me now. I am glad that you are all settled.
Cute house! Do you love daybreak? James still has 2 years of Law School but we've been keeping our eyes open for a good area to live in.
I remember visiting your cute house a few years ago. I'm so happy for you to be back there! We will have to meet up when we come visit family in July!
oh yay! Welcome back to Utah! Bet it's lovely being "home". OOHHH and congrats on the 7 year anniversary! You guys take the cake!
Glad you are settled in! We miss you!
Yay! Welcome home! Your house looks really cute, too!
Your cute house is so Leave it to Beaver, I love it! Glad you are all settled.
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