Wednesday, March 11, 2009
We're Putting On the Pounds!
That's right! Capri is back on the charts for weight coming in at 23 lbs, ranking in the 6th percentile. We couldn't be more thrilled! That Pediasure, though ridiculously expensive, must be working and luckily, she absolutely loves it. I am pretty sure that she has downed a bottle in less than a minute. Roman has improved in the weight department as well coming in at 26 lbs, ranking in the 22nd percentile. We weren't too concerned with either of them considering they were both growing (just up instead of out), but it is good to know they are getting a bit more meat on dem bones!

As far as height goes, Capri measures 34.75 inches placing her in the 75th percentile. Roman has a few inches on his twin sister and measures 36.5 inches placing him in the 94th percentile. Yep, tall and skinny for the both of them!

Developmentally, they are doing awesome. The doctor goes through several activities to determine where they are in terms of fine and gross motor skills, comprehension and verbal skills. Capri is starting to communicate quite well as she can put words together and is learning new words everyday. She is pretty agile while she eats, runs, climbs, builds blocks, and especially in drawing or coloring.
Roman is an athlete already. He can throw like nobody's business and catch now too. Climbing just about everything and he also likes to feed himself, color, run and kick a ball...or whatever he feels like kicking. Communication is the only part that isn't coming so easy for Roman. It seems as though he could care less to try and talk! He still loves to jibber jabber constantly and he continues to learn a few words here and there, but nothing substantial. Thus, we are getting started with hearing tests which are scheduled for next week and speech therapy next month. Wish us luck!
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Nice! They are too cute! I don't have to worry about Bailey and her weight. She's been on the 95th percentile for height and 85th for weight! haha I can't wait to meet your little ones! YOu'll have to let us know next time you guys are in town. I don't know if you know but we live with Elliott and Julie Smith so we are very close to your in-laws!
That is great the twins are getting bigger. They are soo cute.I hope Amanda gains weight too.
I fear that Roman and Nick could be on the same path right to speech therapy, any good ideas pass my way!!! Cute photos!
Cute kids and so glad that they are gaining thw weight. Good luck with the speech stuff, I am sure he will come around. My nephew Brody took forever to start talking and now you can't keep him quiet! Sadie and Sawyer are both still pretty small for their age, Sawyer just weighs over 20 lbs and Sadie is around 16 almost 17.And they are 8 months olds so they are tiny too, hopefully they will start to gain a few more pounds as well. Good luck with everything!!
They really have such endearing little faces. I just can't believe how old they are getting-- well, i could say that about myself too:).. Anywho.. xoxo
Judd is 24 lbs, no wonder why none on his age clothes fit him.. They are so cute!
They have those skinny Curtis genes!!! They are so stinking cute!
They are so darling. I like how you mention what they are doing, cause then I always know what Lance should be doing in the next 3-4 months! I remember you did that a few months ago, maybe at their 18 month appointment, and so I was like, ok - Lance needs to learn to stack, scribble, etc in the next 3 months! - whatever you had written! So, maybe I am wrong, but I thought it was normal for boys to be slower at talking than girls? But either way, good luck, I am sure he is fine. Sometimes guys just don't have as much to say.
Roman and Capri are soo adorable! When am I going to get to meet these amazing little people? I have to tell you that our twins weren't as verbal as other kids their age when they were two, but they really are catching up and are even starting to read words at 3 1/2! So don't worry or stress. I really think twins develop differently. I am so jealous that you get to see Jessica and cute little Charlie next week!
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