Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. That is what my two kids are really excelling at these days. I put them in swimming classes last summer and they have made awesome progress. To think that our first few lessons consisted of Capri screaming her head off and Roman just putting up with it, we have come a very long way. I have loved the swim school, their methods and their teacher. And surprise, surprise, so does Capri. She gives hugs and kisses to her teacher multiple times in a 30 minute session. It makes me a bit jealous, but am thrilled that Capri trusts her so much.
They started with learning how to hold their breath under water. Sounds simple, but takes repetitive motions and a lot of positive feedback (us clapping and telling them "Good Job!" and them taking in less water through the nose, both equal positive feedback) for them to master and feel comfortable doing. The instructor works on this for quite some time, lengthening their glides under water each time. Roman and Capri both proved their fabulous lung compacity early on so they could move to the next step, "one, two's." That's what they call their arm strokes and we are working to master this new skill. Roman was a total natural and used his arms as well as some of the 3 and 4 year old students. Unfortunately, he tends to get a bit bored and so we do whatever we can to entertain him in order for him to want to actually practice. Capri is definitely more cautious, which is why we are so excited that she has done so well and actually loves the water now. She is more willing than ever to work with her beloved Marci-the instructor.
Both get trained on a few other things such as climbing out of the pool, keeping your eyes open underwater to reach for toys, and assisted sitdives, falling into the pool from the side. Such necessary skills and they have already paid off. Yes, we have already had a pool "incident" that left me beyond panicked but incredibly grateful for these lessons. I guess you want details on what a horrible parent I am?
Well, when we were in Cancun, all of us were playing in the pool. The pool had this long shelf or stair, about 10 feet, that the kids could play in with the water up to their thighs-perfect. We had the toys out to play and Roman was fixated on the truck as he was pushing along the bottom. I looked away for seconds, I swear, as I was talking to everyone else when all of a sudden this lady grabs my attention. "Excuse me, maam. Maam." I turn in response. "Your child has gone under." She was insanely calm as Roman was literally face down in the pool, just beyond the stair. I literally freaked out and couldn't get to him fast enough. Have you discovered how hard it is to run in the water. Swimming seemed ridiculous in that he was just 5 feet away, but I couldn't run at all! Tucker was on the stair and ran over to grab him out of the water. And guess what? He was fine! He didn't even swallow any water, hence the fact that he was still floating when we got to him. Hooray for Murray Callan Swim Schools! Although I felt terrible for taking my eyes off of my little one, I felt better about myself for putting him in swimming lessons.
Here are our two little fish:
Roman ready to go under for some glides:
How fun! I loved swimming as a kid... and still do. They are darling! I can't wait for the summer to take Bailey swimming!
They look like they are having so much fun!
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