This is me and Capri's fishy faces...I know, hers is way cuter whereas mine is a little creepy!Tucker and Roman already in love with the aquarium and this was the first tank:
The Train Ride in Duplo Land: Capri was actually smiling and saying "Choo Choo!" but had a serious death grip on the sides!
Roman was loving it, if you couldn't tell by the picture!Capri was not a fan of the Fairy Tale Brook Ride. She was like this 90% of the time:
Roman and I right after the ride...and right before we went on the same ride again!Capri wasn't quite tall enough for the Safari Trek Ride so she hung out with me:
All tuckered out. I love this picture of Roman holding onto his Dad's leg while Dad was holding Capri:
Such a fun-filled day and the kids were out within a minute of being in the car!