I couldn't wait to take the kids to the pumpkin patch and pick out that perfect pumpkin to carve! You know, the "Great Pumpkin" from Charlie Brown kind of stuff. Capri and Roman both got to pick a pumpkin as well, just as long as they could carry it. This one may have been too big...
Roman loved picking up the pumpkins and then chucking them as far as possible. Does everything have to be a ball to him?
What could make our tradition of pumpkin picking even better? A petting zoo of course! They had one right there at the patch and my kids loved it just as much as the last one they went to only a few weeks ago.
Here is Capri showing just how much she loves animals-ready to give this goat a kiss right on the nose!
Roman loved the chickens and used his dad to get up close and personal.
Once we entered the patch, Capri ran over to a game booth that handed out these blow-up toys as prizes. She was in such awe, and looked as cute as ever, that the nice man gave her one. I figured I would give it back as soon as she lost interest, but she would NOT let go of that thing!
More of that goat she loves so much.
Roman decided he really liked this particular goat too!
Capri's little pumpkin she tried to eat. And no, I am not the type to make homemade pumpkin anything.
Roman absolutely loved the wagon as Tucker strolled him through the patch. I think that means we may have to get one...
We took these bad boys home and carved away. I have some serious carving skills...or I just use a stencil!
Check out my dad's masterpiece. I wish you could see how big this thing was-I couldn't even carry it after it was carved-it was ginormous! My dad carves his pumpkins the same way every year and I never get sick of the goofy face with big old ears.
So I was overly excited about the carving and we defintely started a bit too early. We had to throw them out way before Halloween! They lasted two days and were completely moldy. In fact, they were so nasty that when I went to throw them out, they literally collapsed in my hands and I had pumpkin guts all over me. Gross!
I love the trip to the Pumpkin Patch. The kids always have a blast, no matter their age. The carved pumpkins look great. And yes, Benjamin threw EVERY pumpkin he could lift. What's the deal with these boys?
Lucky kids that have parents that will do that kind of stuff with them. In my day, it was just the mom taking them without the help of the dad. Kids have it nicer these days with both parents involved.
I can't believe how blue Capri's eyes look in that one picture. They are beautiful!
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