Tuesday, October 28, 2008
We got to celebrate Halloween early this year with our ward's trunk-or-treat activity. I must admit that I was ecstatic to have an excuse to put my kids into costume for an extra day. Capri was so excited once she saw hers, she had to have it on right that moment-hours before the party started! Like mother like daughter.
I had to make her the perfect wand to go with her flower fairy costume which she also loved. Unfortunately, she could have cared less about the floral wreath I made her for her hair-there goes $10 and 2 hours of my time!
Roman could have cared less for this hat-he hated it and would not keep it on! The only way we got a picture of him with it on is because my mom was distracting him with her credit cards.
Yes, I made Tucker dress upn like a golfer to match Roman, knickers and all-he is such a sport!
The Nielson fam-I know that as a cowgirl, I really don't fit in, but we definitely had limited resources so we worked with what we had!
Can anyone guess what my parents dressed up as? You got it! Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber. Again, limited resources, but I think people got the idea because so many think my mom looks like her.
As rough as it was chasing kids around all night, they had an absolute ball!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
From Pumpkin Patch to Pumpkin Masterpiece!
I couldn't wait to take the kids to the pumpkin patch and pick out that perfect pumpkin to carve! You know, the "Great Pumpkin" from Charlie Brown kind of stuff. Capri and Roman both got to pick a pumpkin as well, just as long as they could carry it. This one may have been too big...
Roman loved picking up the pumpkins and then chucking them as far as possible. Does everything have to be a ball to him?
What could make our tradition of pumpkin picking even better? A petting zoo of course! They had one right there at the patch and my kids loved it just as much as the last one they went to only a few weeks ago.
Here is Capri showing just how much she loves animals-ready to give this goat a kiss right on the nose!
Roman loved the chickens and used his dad to get up close and personal.
Once we entered the patch, Capri ran over to a game booth that handed out these blow-up toys as prizes. She was in such awe, and looked as cute as ever, that the nice man gave her one. I figured I would give it back as soon as she lost interest, but she would NOT let go of that thing!
More of that goat she loves so much.
Roman decided he really liked this particular goat too!
Capri's little pumpkin she tried to eat. And no, I am not the type to make homemade pumpkin anything.
Roman absolutely loved the wagon as Tucker strolled him through the patch. I think that means we may have to get one...
We took these bad boys home and carved away. I have some serious carving skills...or I just use a stencil!
Check out my dad's masterpiece. I wish you could see how big this thing was-I couldn't even carry it after it was carved-it was ginormous! My dad carves his pumpkins the same way every year and I never get sick of the goofy face with big old ears.
So I was overly excited about the carving and we defintely started a bit too early. We had to throw them out way before Halloween! They lasted two days and were completely moldy. In fact, they were so nasty that when I went to throw them out, they literally collapsed in my hands and I had pumpkin guts all over me. Gross!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Scripp's Aquarium
Still catching up with pictures taken sometime ago!
Another passion of Tucker's-aquariums. Lucky for him, we have a fabulous one right here in San Diego. He was hoping his kids would like sealife as much as he does so we went to Scripp's. They were fascinated!
Especially Roman.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Julian-September '08
Yes, these pictures were taken over a month ago and it has taken me awhile to get them to you, my fabulous blog fans.
Julian is the closest thing we San Diegans have to mountains, and trust me when I these ain't the Rockies. However, it is a quaint little old miner's town and has plenty to offer in the form of cool crisp air, changing leaves and fabulous food all centered around apples. Last year we had come, we were too late to join in on the apple-picking fun so we attempted this time around. Attempted being the key word. I had this perfect idea in my head of walking through these beautiful orchards, letting the kids out to run around, picking delicious apples and of course getting the picture-you know, Christmas card material. Well, it didn't turn out that way...at all. It started with us getting lost and taking an hour and a half to make the 45 mile drive. Not fun, especially when the last 20 miles are windier than Little or Big Cottonwood Canyon-I was sick! Even when we finally got to Julian, we still couldn't find the dang orchards so we totally gave up on that. The solution? We'll just buy some at the local market here in Julian and pretend we picked them ourselves. I had never spent so much on apples that weren't even good. Nice.
Needless to say, we still had a good time walking the streets, eating at Cowgirl Cafe, and taking some ok, but definitely not card material, pictures...
Friday, October 17, 2008
A whole lot a' sass at Grammy's
Check this girl out in her sweet shades and feather boa purse. At this moment she is telling me what to do! I don't know if there has been a girl with more sass before the age of 2 than my Capri. One thing is for sure, she and Roman absolutely love being at Grammy and Grampy's house. It is completely stocked with toys, toys, and more toys and they couldn't get enough of it!
With Grammy-who, by the way, gave her the sunglasses because she simply couldn't take them away when it was time for us to leave. Thank you!
Susie went all out with the flowers this year and when I say all out, I mean it! They were incredible! Unfortunately, I didn't get a great picture of them, but my kids are still cute.
This is a bit random, but Roman was so happy just watching the Chargers game with his daddy-they are the best of buds and I am starting to feel a bit left out...what am I, chopped liver?! But in reality, I couldn't be happier for those two-there is nothing sweeter. :)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Gardner Village
While in Utah, we wanted to take full advantage of the fall festivities so we headed to Gardner Village with Cheri and Cody, my parents, and Tucker's parents. The season was well under way as it got to be pretty cool, but we warmed ourselves up with pumpkin spice hot chocolate and delicious sugar cookies. I absolutely loved the little boutiques and the overall atmosphere. The kids, however, loved their butterscotch suckers (thank you Grammy!) and the petting zoo best.
Here is Cheri and Capri-as mentioned earlier, two peas in a pod:
Roman laughing at Mr. Goat:
Capri in absolute heaven with these stinky things:
Roman still amused by Mr. Goat:
Me and my girl, who was anxious to get down to see the pot-belly pigs:
Such troopers-seriously thank you to Cody for coming along to all of this kiddie stuff!
Roman and his very favorite person:
Still giddy about this whole situation-pigs, goats, chickens, a donkey and poo:
The girls-Capri looking a bit drunk with that sucker!
Playing with the chickens...that bite!
Robert and Jesse and the kids met up with us later which made me a happy girl-I miss them! This is my nephew Eli-can you tell where Capri got her blue eyes?
This is Spencer-he is getting so big I can hardly stand it!
Here is Cheri and Capri-as mentioned earlier, two peas in a pod:
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Grandpa Curtis

My Grandpa Curtis was the greatest grandpa for several reasons, but I loved him most for the way he made me laugh. Some of you know what I am referring to when I speak of "curtis humor." That's my grandpa! He was hilarious and when I wasn't laughing too hard myself, I loved hearing him laugh-yes, he would always laugh at his own jokes! He was quite the entertainer and if he wasn't telling jokes, he was getting the crowd going with his sweet magic tricks. I'm not talking about lame flowers and scarfs. No, he was as quick as they come and did some awesome things with cards. Speaking of cards, meet the man that taught me how to play poker at the age of 8! I will miss him so much and am so happy to have had him in my life.
Here are some pictures taken at Mount Olivet where the burial service took place:
I know this isn't a great pic of me, but how cute is my nephew Kaleb?!
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