Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How are the twins doing?

With the chaos that is moving back in May, summer and traveling, I realized I had totally passed up the twins' wellness check-ups for 15 month and 18 month. So, to start I will give you the stats.
Roman at 15 months:
Height-32.5 inches (86%)
Weight-24.42 lbs (47%)
Head Circumference-47 cm (50%)
Capri at 15 months:
Height-30 inches (37%)
Weight-19.82 lbs (10%)
Head Circumference-46 cm (5o%)

Roman at 18 months:
Height-34 inches (90%)
Weight-24.55 lbs (28%)
Head Circumference-48.5 cm (75%)
Capri at 18 months-31 inches (30%)
Weight-19.63 lbs (1%)
Head Circumference-47.5 cm (80%)

As you can see, both Roman and Capri are getting skinny! I truly miss the pudge and wish I could stuff them with doughnuts and pastries to get it back. However, my pediatrician Dr. Gillin, is pretty darn strict when it comes to junk food. I need to start cramming veggies down and I don't have the slightest idea on how to do it. My kids love corn and green beans and that is not going to cut it, but if I try any other vegetable, they simply won't touch it. It's pretty funny to see their expressions when they go to pick up a piece of cooked carrot, place it on the tip of their tongue, and put it right back where it was in their bowl. I have gotten creative with broccoli in their quesadillas, cauliflower in their eggs, etc. but it is obviously hidden. I guess I will have to keep trying and we will see how they are doing weight wise in a month or so.
The other part of the wellness check-up is development. We go through a list of things they may or may not be doing at this stage to get a better idea of where they are in the learning process. Luckily, my kids have always done really well, especially for being twins. At 15 months they could identify one body part, scribble, follow simple instructions, point to a picture (Capri's favorite thing to do), throw a ball (Roman's favorite thing to do), stacking 2 objects, bring us something to show us or to read, and understands at least 50 words.
We were, however, concerned with their speaking ability at their 15-month visit. You are supposed to know 3-5 words and though Capri knew 4 (ball, hi, hello and bye), Roman only knew 1 (ball-which he learned before the run of many ear infections). Because of his ear infection history, the doctor thought it might be best to get tubes in his ears to better his hearing and thus, improve his speech. The doctor was right. We have seen such a difference in the past 2 months for both Roman and Capri. So, at this last appointment we were able to identify at least 10 for Capri (they are supposed to know 5-15) and 6 for Roman. Some of their favorites are hi, hello, bye, hot (everything is hot now when it comes to food), hat, shoe, fish, and Capri's word for stuck.
They can both stack several objects-Capri is particularly good at this, walk backwards-Roman loves to walk backwards to get into his chair, imitate me cleaning, wiping and vacuuming, feeding themselves with a spoon-very messy but they are getting the hang of it, identify body parts-eyes, tummy, belly buttons, nose, mouth, feet and hands, kick a ball, identify pictures in a book, Roman runs, Capri follows commands, and they both have started to pull of clothing! About that, my mom went in to get Capri out of her crib and she had taken off her diaper and thrown it into Roman's crib. Nice. I am sure he appreciated that.
Other fun things I wan to remember:
*When Capri wanted to show you how excited she was to see you, she reached her arms out to you and clasping her hands over and over.
*Now, both Roman and Capri gives love pats and kisses.
*When Roman wants to be picked up, he scratches your thighs or grabs the fabric of your pants and tugs.
*Roman is the daredevil and loves to play with his Dad-the higher or rougher the better.
*Capri is my project girl and is happiest when she has a number of items to relocate into a bucket, her fire engine, or one of the baskets.
*The twins love swimming lessons and can not only hold their breath for a good while as they glide into the steps to pull themselves up, but now voluntarily go under and even slide of the edge.
*Roman is still obsessed with any sort of ball and throwing everything.
*Capri is still obsessed with her blanket and now I need new clean blankets due to the nast chewed corners.
*Both are OBSESSED with being outside and have to be out everyday.
*I finally took the gates down and the stairs are getting to be a new toy.
*When Capri is mad at you, she may close her eyes in a squinty fashion so that she can't see you.
*When Roman is mad, he will literally collapse to the ground (something he learned from his sister).
*Both are getting more and more into being tickled and their laughing is what I love most.
Wow, this post is going on forever and I am surprised you are still with me. All in all, the twins are doing great and Tucker and I feel so incredibly blessed to have such healthy kids. I will definitely update you on their weight gain, but I think they will be just fine.
I would never bore you with such a long post without adding some pictures, so here are Roman and Capri at our favorite new park, Cottonwood Creek near Moonlight Beach.


Let the Good Times Roll said...

Alysha- you crack me up - hiding brocolli in their eggs! LOL!

Sounds like they are doing great. It was interesting to read, cause Lance goes in for his 1 year tomorrow (same story - since we were gone, we are about 6 weeks late on the year appt) - anyway, I was curious as to what he needs to be doing at this stage developmentally, so your post was good to read. Like Capri, Lance loves to say Truck - I think they like saying the ck! We just need to make sure they stay away from a certain word... ;)

Katie M. said...

That's a great update, young lady!
When I struggle to choke down my greens, I just fry em up in some oil. Try that.

I'm glad all is well. I still am in awe that you have twins and you handle everything so beautifully. I'm afraid I'm going to kill just one!! ARGH! The anxieties of parenthood.. You need to remind me of where you guys live again exactly-- how close you are to ORange County- one of my best friends lives there and if you are close to each other, well, we should hook you two up!

Take care!

Nicole M said...

Wow Alysha you have updated quite a bit! I love it all. So Capri is in the 1% for her age?!?!? Holy cow, that is so funny...she takes after her mom :) Mikayla is in the 70% right now. Isn't it amazing how much they change. Love how you wrote all that here on your blog because you'll want to remember than down the road. By the way your newport pictures are awesome! Looks like you had SO much fun! Can't wait for SD :) Love you!

Ben and Natalie said...

Capri looks so grown up with her hair like that. They are both just adorable and I can't believe how fast they are growing up. :)