I had such a fabulous birthday starting with getting my hair done. It is every bit as good as a massage in my opinion (ok, so I have never had a real massage, but I can imagine). However, I am really not crazy about the cut-kind of shaggy so we'll see what we can do about that! Anyway, the day continued with a shopping trip to Nordstrom. I figured that they started the anniversary sale on my birthday for a reason so I better stop by. Needless to say, the babies weren't cooperating so I didn't get too much accomplished. Now this is getting boring, I will get to the good stuff.
My parents, Tucker, Richard and Jon and I all went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner at Fashion Valley Mall-the best mall ever! This was my favorite part of the day because there is nothing better than eating out, fabulous food and conversation, and my family. Plus, I even got in a little shopping after; what, I really needed a new sweatshirt so that I wouldn't be too cold in the movie!
TICKETS TO SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE! I am so excited for September because I get to see my favorite tv show live!
Happy Birthday! I am sorry I did not call. I was at youth conference and I was distracted with keeping track of teenagers. It sounds like you had a great birthday.
Happy late birthday Alysha! Sounds like you had a great day. And we did see Mamma Mia - it was fantastic, so get excited. Tucker - you are awesome, SYTYCD tickets, that is so fun! Is it for the tour?
Happy Birthday! I am glad that you had such a fantastic day. I can't believe that you didn't like Dark Knight. It was super dark, but I guess I kind of anticipated it to be that way. I loved it! I can't believe that Tucker got you SYTYCD tickets. I am soooo jealous and I can't wait to hear about it in September. :)
AHHH, I am the worst friend! I can't believe I forgot to call you! I thought about your birthday a few days before and thought, I need to remember to call her!!! But I spaced it! So sorry! It looks like you had a great birthday and ...So You Think You Can Dance??? SO STINKING FUN! Wow, I am totally jealous of that one! Tucker sure knows how to get bday presents! I can't wait to see you guys! We are also trying to get down to SD soon!
First Happy Birthday! Second tell Tucker I will waiting for my So You Think You Can Dance Tickets in the mail. No rush, but I would appreciate them soon! :)
Sweet! Happy Birthday! (Way late) I hope you are doing well!!! I will have to start watching SO you think you can dance! :)
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