*Wake up at 5:00am for their first feeding, but thank goodness they usually go back to sleep until 6:30am.
*Play with mommy and daddy until breakfast at 7:00am.
-Breakfast consists of a container of baby food (some kind of fruit) mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal, cheerios and a piece of toast or waffle. This amount of food takes at least 30 minutes to get down and another 15 minutes to clean up!
*Play some more until 9:00am.
-Playtime includes getting read to while sitting in their new chairs (where as before they would just grab at the books and not a whole lot of reading was done!), singing songs, patty-cake, peek-a-boo, and lots of toys, crawling and cruising along the couches.
*Take bottles just before naptime.
*Get to sleep around 9:30 and nap for an hour to two hours. Time for mom to get her workout and shower in for the day.
*Wake up as happy as can be-one of my favorite moments of the day!
*11:30am-time to eat again!
-Lunch consists of a vegetable (again mixed with rice or oatmeal), cheese cubes, mandarin oranges or bananas (depending if they need to be loosened up or stopped up!).
*We finally get around to getting these kids dressed around noon. I know that sounds a bit lazy, but their clothes are in great shape!
*Time to play outside!
-This has to be their favorite time of day. Roman and Capri love to explore the great outdoors and they are usually exploring with their mouth-yuck! It definitely keeps mom on her toes as she chases two babies with grass, leaves and who knows whatever else in their mouths. We also have done bubbles time outside and they are quite fascinated by these magical spheres.

*They take another bottle while on a walk around 2:00pm. I lean the jogging stroller back so they are nice and comfy which get them right and ready for another nap.
*Nap-time from 2:30pm until about 4:00pm. Mom gets her chores done and may even check her blog.
*Once again, I get to see their cute smiling faces as they await for me to come and get them out of their cribs.
*Playtime or a trip to the store until dinner at 4:45pm.
-Dinner is big for these growing babies. They eat a meat or vegetable, yogurt, another cheese, and either crackers or toast.
*Into the kitchen sink they go for bath time around 5:30pm. I bathe them one at a time while the other is entertained in the high chair. Dinner is also getting started-serious multitasking for mom during the next hour!
*While the family eats dinner, Roman and Capri are being entertained by each other or "Baby Signing Time."
*Playtime until bottles are given while they lounge in their chairs (see video below) around 7:00pm.
*Bedtime is soon after-WHEW, we made it!
That was a bit long, sorry about that! I wanted to document such a busy schedule for these busy babies-all of that playtime and eating can be exhausting for them and their mom. :)
You have such a good schedule... but man, it makes me tired just reading it.
Our day consists of waking up at 7am, running around the house for 12 hours, and then going to bed. I need some help with a routine!
I love hearing their busy schedules or should I say YOUR busy schedule. You are an amazing mom and they are so lucky to get to do all of the things that they do each day.
Wow Alysha, I got to say, that sounds exhausting just reading it! You are seriously such a great mom, and those twins are darling.
WOW, what a routine you have going on! What a great mom you are. I loved your invitation to the twins birthday party, I WISH I could be there!
Wow what a day! It's so great to have a routine. I just got the invite and I'm SO excited to come and celebrate with the twins and see you!!
Wow Alysha, I just found your blog! I can't believe you have little twins. And I think I have my hands full :). You are amazing, keep it up, you are an inspiration to all!
Wow! How you do it I do not know. You are one amazing woman. I got tired just reading the thing. You are the best mom and your kids are so cute. Hope I can do as good a job as you someday!
The Backpack has been a real miracle. I would HIGHly recommend purchasing one! You will be amazed at what you can do with 2 free hands! It is an OGIO backpack and I got it on Amazon.com. They will try to get you to buy a "diaper-bag backpack" but they will cost 3x times more. So I just got a regular one. good luck!
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