I just can't believe it, but Roman and Capri are 9 months old. To tell you the truth, it is a bit sad for me to see them growing as fast as they are and leaving that sweet cuddly baby phase. At the same time, I can't see how any phase can be as fun as now-they are so full of personality! They are getting pretty mobile, standing up to furniture, into everything, eating big people food, and neither appreciate their mom's loves and kisses as they once did. Ok, so maybe they appreciate my love, but they are just so busy! I took them to their wellness check-up and they passed with flying colors yet again. It is crazy to think that these sweet babies were barely on the charts when they were born and now are climbing to the top of them. Here are the latest stats:
Roman James (aka chunk-a-munk)-

Measures 17.7 inches in head circumfrence placing him in the 50th percentile.
And measures 30.1 inches long which places him above the 97 percentile!
Capri Kennedy (aka twinkle toes)-

Measures 17.5 inches in head circumfrence placing her in the 75th percentile.
And measures 27.9 inches long which places her in the 75th percentile (but she is always on her toes to give her another inch or so!).
And measures 27.9 inches long which places her in the 75th percentile (but she is always on her toes to give her another inch or so!).

The twins have all sorts of tricks now and are constantly exploring and learning new things. You can't take them anywhere without the both of them grabbing at everything, staring at everything and eating everything-they have to know everything about everything! This creates a problem when we are at church for three hours-boredom sets in quickly unless given the opportunity to explore the woman's shoes, the chairs that are being used by others and the carpet including the sketchy stains. What always entertains them, however, are the many primary kids playing outside. Roman gets so excited and I know he can't wait until he can join the jumping and running around.
Capri has a favorite game of peek-a-boo and will use blankets, tablecloths, rags and even the ottoman she has to crawl around just to play. The best is when her and Roman play. She crawls around the corner and back to be sighted and then hidden. Roman just sits there and laughs with his arms flailing he is so excited.
This is one of the greatest moments in having twins. Roman and Capri are getting to be such great friends and love each other's company. Since we have been here in Salt Lake this week, they have become reaquainted with their old cribs and now see them as play areas (which isn't the greatest when they need to go down for naptime) and have so much fun trying to pull themselves up. Yesterday I went to check on them after I had put them down for naps and Roman was just laughing as Capri had climbed up and was looking at him through the slats.
As I mentioned earlier, they are loving big people food. Unfortunately, this means that when I try and feed them their nasty pureed stuff, it requires some serious effort. Everyone joins in the fun in trying to entertain the twins while they eat. Plenty of singing and dancing going on-we sometimes feel like Clayton Entertainers, but no offense to all of you performers out there! I have to admit that they are improving and now may need just a toy (or the favorite-a lid) to get the breakfast, lunch and dinner down.
Let's see, how can I make this post longer. Oh, Roman, my sweet little boy, has his first double ear infection. He has been such a trooper dealing with all of the congestion, coughing, aching and snotty messes. Oh wait, that is me that is dealing with the snotty messes! I am just praying that Capri doesn't get so bad. This is one of the not so great moments for twins-they share everything including colds.
One last thing and I promise I will be done. I have to acknowledge some major developments. As you know, Capri has been using her army crawl since she was 6 months old and doesn't really see the need to get her belly off the floor. I can't blame her, I didn't even get on my knees; instead, I would scoot around on my bum! Well, Roman can't stand the idea of Capri getting around so fast and so he is determined to start crawling, belly up and all, first. He has made a few crawls, but usually ends up scooting himself backwards. This can be frustrating as he furthers himself from his desired toy, but he keeps trying and I can't wait until he is cruising on all four! Also, Capri has stood for the first time! She pulled herself up to the ottoman and let go for a bit. I am telling you, she will do anything to be as tall as her little brother!
Well, that is all for now-sorry about the journal post, but I hope the pictures helped!