When I took the twins for their four-month check-up, their pediatrician (whom I love if anyone needs one-Dr. Brian Good!) mentioned that I should start experimenting with solids. Yeah right. If feeding two babies wasn't hard enough with just milk bottles, I have to throw in rice cereal, squash, peas and a spoon that my Capri loves to grab-no thanks. Well, now that they are 5 months, I decided to give it a try and they absolutely loved it. They were pigs and couldn't wait their turn as I was trying to feed them at the same time. A mess it was, but it looks like I am stuck now and will simply have to plan on bathing them in the morning, every morning.
Sorry, I don't know when eating rice cereal became so exciting.
So darling! Capri is looking more and more like a Curtis, getting big blue eyes and dark hair! I think Roman is more Nielson. They are both so cute!!!
What a fun time in life! Just wait until they figure out how to blow raspberries, then feeding time becomes really fun ;)
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