My baby girl is three! I must say that it didn't come as quite a shock considering that this girl of mine acts like she is 2 going on 16. She feels the need to be able to do anything and everything her brother and sister do. She just wants to be big! In fact, the week of her birthday, my mom and I would ask her how old she will be and she would respond, "Six!"
Karoline has always been a great talker, but now she is a chatter-box/singer. She will talk nonstop if she knows someone is listening. She will sing nonstop even when no one is listening. I took her to a parent teacher conference for Roman and Capri and their teacher couldn't believe what kind of vocabulary this little one had...or the attitude! Karoline feels like she is pretty big and her attitude shows it from time to time. Her new thing, singing, is done in the car, in the tub, in the store, where ever she feels the need. She tells me to put my mouth a certain way (puckered up or in an "o" shape) to sing like her. Sometimes it's "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, " other times it is something she is making up as she goes. Either way, I am a fan.
This little girl already has darling friends. She took a ballet class in the fall with Sarah Ross, Zoey Phillips, and her cousins London and Isla. She loved it and I am hating the fact that I pulled her out without starting her up somewhere else. I think she is starting to get bored with just mom and craves social interaction with friends. She does great with the twins and their friends, she really holds her own, but really enjoys these girls her age. We have already started play dates within this group and I can't wait to see what becomes of these friendships.
Karoline is my cuddle bug and neither Tucker nor I can get enough of it. She loves to hold your face in her hands, hold your hand against her face, and she gives the best hugs as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist. We do "noses, noses, noses" which are eskimo kisses. We nuzzle in each others necks. And every once in awhile, we rock in the rocking chair. I cherish every moment as my other two weren't nearly this cuddly!

As sweet as this girl is, she has entered a whole new teen, way-to-smart-for-your-own-good "phase," or at least we hope it's just that! Her new thing is to refuse you, or whatever it is you are asking of her, by simply saying, "Never...never ever." She says it with a slight smile on her face as if she knows exactly what she is doing to push your buttons. One day she was in time-out for being mean to London. I told her she needed to say sorry in order to get out. She then said "Never, never ever." She was smiling and almost laughing as she replied! I told her it wasn't funny and she then said, "It's funny to me, Mom!" Again, hoping this is just a phase...
Karoline has to be the most independent 3 year-old I know! She has to get dressed by herself, open and close things by herself, brush her teeth by herself, buckle her carseat, etc. As thrilled as I am that she doesn't need me for everything, sometimes it would be much easier if she would let me help!
This girl loves attention...I wonder who she got that from?! If Tucker and I are talking to one another, she tries desperately to get us to stop and listen to her. "Mom, mom, mom." "Yes, Karoline." "Um, well, ummmm, I....welllllll." It's hilarious.
Some fun things Karoline has been up to or accomplished...
*Loves to ride her tricycle, she is now a pro, and is learning to ride her new scooter
*Says, "You're the best," and "I love you to outer space and the sun and the moon and the..."
*Counts to 14, knows her ABC's and colors, and is learning to identify letters. Whenever we play the ABC game in the car, Karoline is in charge for finding the "O."
*Refers to Roman and Capri as "my kids." For example, "Mom, let's go pick up my kids at school." So. dang. cute.
*Tells everyone that she has two names, Karoline and Koko. Then asks them if they have two names.
*Is a champ about going to nursery, even if it means going into a tiny class packed with crying kids, none of which are her friends. Can you sense my bitterness there? Thank goodness she is so willing to go week after week and I think it must be because of her awesome teachers. They love her and get such a kick out of her constant talking and funny remarks. The other day she told them that her Mommy has a big butt! Awesome.
*Loves to play with play dough.
*Stopped taking naps 6 months ago, but tends to fall asleep in the car, on the couch, or even on the hardwood floor late in the afternoon.
*Was my easiest child to potty train. She decided one day (August of last year) that she wasn't going to put on a diaper. Her first accident was 3 days later and had only a couple more the following week. She didn't even need a diaper at night a week later.
*Is eager to be outside as much as possible-aren't all kids? She has followed in her siblings footsteps and loves to find potato bugs (aka rolly pollies), play with the hose, and is an avid trampoline jumper.
*Makes friends wherever we go...with kids...with adults...with strangers...with adult strangers. We may have to watch her carefully!
*This girl loves to dance. During sacrament meeting, the choir began to sing. We were sitting in the back of the gym and Karoline heads out to the side and dances through the entire musical number. Arabesques, port de bras, twirling, it was beautiful. I have got to get her signed up again!
Karoline is full of personality. She is a happy, loving, bright little girl. Yes she has her moments, and lately there have been more of those moments (maybe because of the baby coming?), but she really has been such an easy child to raise. Being baby #3, she gets dragged along to lessons, practices, and running errands, but she is such a trooper and is rarely an issue. She is my buddy while the twins are at school and I hope that I take the time to cherish these last few days while it is just her and I. I love you Karoline!