To say that I was excited to have this baby girl would be an understatement. I was still a bit anxious, as I always get right before, but I couldn't wait to meet our baby girl. We were wondering who she would look like, if she would be our red head, or if she would have any hair at all. Would she be a screamer or calm? Would she have any medical issues (why I get so anxious) or as healthy as can be? I just needed to know!
May 14th, which happened to be a Tuesday, came and we were ready to go. We headed to Jordan Valley Hospital and that was a first for me, I had never been to this hospital. I was pleasantly surprised as we entered and got checked in.
We were put up in our spacious delivery room and I was instructed to get dressed so that they could hook me up with an IV and monitors. Once we were settled in and had a nice chat with my nurse, it was 9:00AM. I was dilated to a 3 and was already having contractions, but I wasn't feeling them too much, more like slight cramping. It was going to be a busy day, however, so my nurse told me I better ask for my epidural before I thought I would be desperate for it so they would have enough time getting the anesthesiologist. No problem with that!
Me and my sweet mom.
Tucker thought this would be pretty funny...we definitely had a good time waiting!
My doctor, Dr. Layne Smith, checked me around 10:30AM and I was at a 4 or 4 1/2. He broke my water and that was when my contractions started getting intense. My mom had come by then and was watching my contraction sheet. They were higher peaks and longer spans so I was hoping they were productive. Because they were so intense, I decided it was time for my epidural. I was thrilled that the doctor came so quickly...I was ready to be pain free!
It was my most painful epidural. The burning in my back and legs was not fun. Too, I soon realized that my left side was not numbing up. This was not going to work. I was struggling and I didn't want to feel this way when it was time to push and deliver. The anesthesiologist came back and gave me a dose of something wonderful. I became very sleepy and the pain subsided, thank goodness. I was in a happy place.
I rested for just a minute before the nurse came back to check on me. After looking at my contraction sheets, she thought she should check if I had progressed any further. She had already guessed that I was going to deliver by 2, but I thought it impossible considering I had started at the same time with Karoline and didn't deliver til almost 4. She checked me at noon and saw I was dilated to a 10 already! I couldn't believe it!
Dr. Smith came in and suited up. It was go time! I started to push and I felt like they were productive pushes...they were as my doctor asked me to stop pushing while he did an episiotomy. One more big push and her head was out. He then asked me to give a half push and she was here! 12:38 PM, May 14th, 2013. Baby girl was perfect! 10 fingers and 10 toes...although one is a mutant toe. ;) She was screaming as Dr. Smith laid her on my chest right away. I love this time. My brand new baby in my arms as they clean her up, wrap her up, and wait for her to calm down just a bit. There is nothing so wonderful, nothing that brings you so much joy.
Overwhelmed with happiness!
She looked absolutely adorable, even while she was screaming!
Clara Jane was born with lots of dark hair. She weighed in at 6lbs 2oz and measured at 18.5 inches long. A tiny little bundle nestled in my arms. Tucker then needed a turn and commented that this was his most enjoyable delivery. I don't know how much work he did on any of our deliveries, but I had to agree that it went smoothly and we were seasoned enough parents that we weren't so worried about everything.
Dr. Layne Smith, the best doctor to deliver all four of my children.
On cloud nine...
So was her Daddy...
I love how calm and content she is with him...
My mom came in and was thrilled to hold her new grandbaby. My mom gets so excited about it all and I just love it. Cheri and my dad came soon after and I was so happy to them as well.
My Mom...she was just dying over this little one.
Cheri telling baby Clara that she is her favorite aunt already!
My Dad already in love with baby Clara...makes my heart melt!
They all took turns holding Clara but it became evident that that baby was hungry. It hadn't even been an hour, but she was ready to eat! Thank goodness she latched right on. She was a good eater from the start which always puts a mom at ease. Once she was done, and I was stitched up ready to go, we moved into the spacious recovery room. The nurses needed to take Clara to get all checked out and for shots so I got a bit of rest that afternoon.
Later that evening, Susie and Drew came with my kids. I wanted to cry when I saw them, I was just so happy to my family of six together! I actually did get teary as Drew started to tear up when she saw Clara and kept saying how beautiful she was. Love her and love Susie for taking such good care of my kiddos while I was in the hospital.
It was so sweet to see how excited Capri and Roman were to meet their new baby sister. Capri couldn't get enough of her and wanted to hold her as much as possible. Karoline, on the other hand, was not into any of it. She was scared to see me with the IV in my arm, and she wasn't about to get near baby Clara. Sound familiar? It was just as Capri had acted when Karoline was born. Too funny! When I asked Karoline if she wanted to give the baby a kiss before she left, she backed away and said, "No, she is stinky!" Oh dear.

That night my parents came back to visit along with my dear friend Annelise. It was so fun to spend time with everyone to chat, laugh and eat Annelise's delicious treats. Unfortunately, I started to feel really crummy and in a lot of pain. I was expecting those nasty afterpains, especially while nursing, but this was more than that. Even the pain killers weren't helping much. I was still so numb and it donned on my that I hadn't been to the bathroom yet. I was drinking loads of water (I get ridiculously thirsty when I nurse!) and so my bladder must have been ready to burst. I finally kicked everyone out and called the nurse in. Between her and Tucker on either side of me, I was able to walk to the bathroom. Relief doesn't even begin to describe. Sorry it that's too much information, but it was so funny! I just kept going and going!!
Once I had that out of the way, I was feeling so much better. Good enough, in fact, to keep Clara in my room that night. She nursed every three hours and did great.
The next day I spent just oohhing and aahhhing over my sweet baby Clara Jane. The kids came again and Koko actually got on the bed with me which was a first. We were making progress! Capri and Roman both wanted turns to hold her again and I was so happy to see such love for their newest family member. It was bliss!
By day three, Tucker and I were ready to go home. We were done sleeping at the hospital and we were looking forward to bringing Clara home and being together as a family. I couldn't wait to introduce her to everyone!