Karoline at age 2 at Swirly Girls, a favorite hangout for us!
Karoline is supposed to be in her "terrible twos" and yet she is nothing by sunshine and smiles. I love this little girl and I can't get enough of her. Really. Sometimes I don't put her down for her nap simply because she is being extra cute and I want her around!
She has been an incredibly early talker and now that she is talking like a big girl, she can't stop! I think that sometimes she keeps talking just to hear herself and I can't get enough of it! Some of our favorite things to hear her say...
*When I ask if it's time for night night, she replies, "No Mommy, I awake!" As soon as she wakes up, she calls for us the same way, "Mommy, Daddy, I awake!"
*"Mommy, I have a tiny ball of dote?" while making cookies. How can you resist giving her some dough? I can't!
*I tell her it is cold outside so she needs her jacket, in which she replies, "No, it is spring, it is warm."
*When she hears any song come on, "This is my favorite song."
*She has even said her first prayer. We helped her along and she was so proud of herself!
Karoline is my cuddle bug. She lets me hold her, squeeze her, and hold her some more. Our favorite cuddle time comes right after her bath when she asks to get, "cozy, cozy, cozy," right when she wakes up, and right before she goes down in the rocking chair.
I am a softee when it comes to Karoline asking for "Mommy, rock-a-bye." We sing songs and rock in the rocking chair. Her favorite songs include Monkeys Swinging in a Tree (which she does the cutest actions to!), Elmo's Song, I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (because her brother and sister sing it for her), and my Rock-a-Bye, Don't You Cry song. Sometimes I catch her singing that song while rocking herself in the chair.
Karoline is a determined little girl. She sees her big brother and sister doing something and she has to follow. For example, Roman and Capri love their scooters and cruise around the block on them. When I offered to take them, I assumed Karoline would enjoy sitting in the wagon as we took our stroll. Afraid not. She insisted on riding her scooter which is still too big for her! She struggled as she would push herself along for about 5 feet, end up in the grass, have to pick the scooter up and put it back down on the sidewalk, and start over. It took us a good long while to get around the block!
I am so proud of my our newest swimmer of the family. Karoline started taking lessons in January and has learned how to float on her back, something she hated and feared. She has always been great going under water and now can sit on the attached wall with her hands above her head in diving position, and fall right in the water. She also likes swimming for rockets on the stairs.
Jumping is a favorite trick and now that we have a trampoline, she is in heaven! "Mommy! I jumping on the trampoline!" She would stay out there for hours if we let her and she is really getting the hang of it, especially while jumping with the big kids.
Dancing is a new found favorite as well. We put her new church shoes on and she immediately said, "I need to dance!" Since, she has found the most frilly of skirts to wear and twirl to her hearts content. I even broke down and bought her a pair of ballet slippers...bad idea when that is ALL she wants to wear now.
Karoline in Hawaii-January 2012
Karoline already has a great imagination. I love it when she asks me if I would like some dinner. When I say yes please, she lights up and asks, "You want noodles for dinner?" I say yes again and she hurries back to her kitchen to make some. She then brings me a plate and says, "Here some noodles, Mommy," and I eat them up telling her how good they are. She gets SO excited and then will say, "They're delicious!"and we start the whole process over again. It never gets old!
This girl loves to play toys, do puzzles, read books, watch home videos on my phone, color, and do anything her big brother and sister are doing. She loves to be funny and she loves to laugh. She must be a Curtis! She is finally willing to watch a tv show (I know I shouldn't be proud of her watching tv, but it sure helps me out sometimes!), loves to dress up, eat all by herself (and she is still my best eater!), run, and be outside. Koko is full of spirit and puts everyone in a good mood. We all love Karoline to pieces because she is simply so lovable!
And here are her 2 year stats:
*25lbs putting her in the 25% for weight
*Over 36 inches in height putting her in the 97%-off the charts tall!
*75% for head circumference
She is still a tall skinny girl!