When I was preschool/kindergarten age, I was enrolled in Little Lady Ballet with Miss Connie as my teacher. I absolutely loved it. Me and all of my Little Lady friends adored Miss Connie with her sweet voice and perfect disposition. Classes were held at the Old Meeting House and I remember the cute little benches for our cute little bums. My ballet shoes were given stickers, one blue and one pink, to differentiate right foot from left foot. We practiced and practiced (though it all seemed like play) for the upcoming recitals which may have been my favorite part, especially because of the costumes. I look back at those pictures and videos and see how much fun I had and so I couldn't wait to get Capri into ballet.
This summer was it. Connie's daughter Natalie, also a darling friend, was an incredible dancer and decided to start teaching recently. Little Lady Ballet had been re-opened andI was so excited for Capri to try her summer workshop. It was perfect. Because Capri is shy and somewhat fearful when it comes to these things, this 5-class workshop was a great introduction.
When I took her the first day, it was like deja vu! Natalie held classes in her own home studio, but oh so close to Old Meeting House. Her studio was so cute and the first thing Capri said was, "Mom! It's pink!" She had those very same benches as well. Capri's ballet shoes are now marked with a blue star and pink heart-perfect. Miss Natalie and Miss Connie were as sweet as ever and Capri ended up loving them. She never danced much while in class, but she would come home and show me everything she had learned. It has been over for a few weeks now and yet she is dancing more and more and loves it. Hooray!

She started every class but one, sitting next to me, waiting until she was comfortable to go and join the rest of her class.

On the pink benches-I loved to watch her sit with the other girls and immediately start chatting with whoever was sitting next to her.

Getting ready for skipping and sliding:

My little ballerina: