May 2nd, 2010. What a perfect day! There are so many things that typically don't go as planned on blessing day. The baby develops a terrible case of baby acne just days before, she then poops up the back just moments before, spits up all over her white dress, and then proceeds to scream during the entire blessing. We were 0 for 4-no acne, no poop, no spit up and a purely content little girl all day. Sigh of relief.
What really made the day so incredible was the amazing blessing Tucker gave our sweet Karoline. It is reassuring to hear those words of guidance and to know she will be watched over. I felt my heart grow a little bigger and my testimony a little stronger as I recognized how wonderful His plan is for our eternal family. How lucky am I to be so blessed with three beautiful and healthy children and the husband of my dreams?
The fact that we had so much of our family here to celebrate such an occasion was beyond wonderful. Tucker's brother came with his two daughters from California and Tucker's sister came all the way from Texas! We definitely felt loved. Tucker and I both feel as though we have the best families and it's because we do-thank you everyone!
Here is a look at our day full of family...
Roman and Eli patiently waiting for some seriously go
od food including Normandie Bakery cookies, breakfast casseroles, cinnamon rolls and fruit (we had to include something healthy!):

Aunt Tiffy-it was so nice to have her here because she knows a thing or two about having new babies-because of her we discovered how much Karoline likes to be laid down just to play!

My brother Rob and his two little boys Spencer and Kaleb-I know, you have seen plenty of them before, but could you ever tire of looking at that little boy?

Tucker's brother Tanner and his wife Drew-so excited for them to have a baby girl in July-a cousin for Karoline!

Uncle Tyler-I was seriously impressed that he brought his girls all by himself!

It was a good thing too, because he was a hit the entire weekend with Roman:

His girls Ava and Lily:

My parents-thank you! Between my mom and mother-in-law, I had nothing to worry about regarding the brunch-they took care of everything! I know, I am that spoiled!

Karoline is going to be so lucky to have a best friend right in her backyard! My sister Cheri and her husband Cody are due in August with a girl too!

The girls in my fam, Jesse, Cheri, Karoline, me and my mom (Capri was way too busy playing).

Tucker's parents Keith and Susie-again, THANK YOU!

Me and my new precious girl in white:

The star of the show!

Karoline has the longest fingers and just like Capri did, always holds them so daintily.


And one more of cuteness...

Our family of five!