Roman thought it was time for a new do!
As did Capri! When I first saw Capri, she looked at me and most casually just said, "soap!" No big deal, right?
If the lotion in the hair wasn't enough, the day continued with another fun moment. I got the kids in the tub to get the goop out and was relieved there wasn't any poop left more me to clean out-you never know with Roman in water! Anyway, Roman wouldn't have anything to do with getting his diaper put on so I decided to get Capri dressed and ready really quick while Roman was running free. Bad idea. I was in the bathroom when Roman came in with toothpicks in his hands. I was wondering where he even got them so I decided to follow him back into the kitchen. There they were. Two logs of poop with toothpicks sticking out. I can't describe to you the nastiness factor. Let's just say that I won't be potty training either of these kids any time soon!
As much as I loved the fabulous thunder and lightning storms, we are thrilled to have this great sunny weather back and have jumped into summer with time outside, watering flowers, playing with the hose, and the favorites-park and pool time. Pictures to come. Yay for summer!