Ok, I don't want to toot my own horn, but I have to brag about our fabulous Thanksgiving. I was actually kind of nervous about putting on this huge feast because my mom has always done it with my aunts. This year, however, it was up to just me, my mom and Cheri and boy did we pull it off! There wasn't a single hiccup and everything turned out beautifully and absolutely delicious. Such a rarity in my family to be totally honest. We have had more holidays turn out like Christmas Vacation versus Miracle on 34th St, but so much fun even still. The greatest part of the day was just working together as a family-sounds cheesy, but my family really is the best.
The Cooks:

Check out the place settings and appetizers (thank you Tucker for delicious deviled eggs, yum!):
The Curtis, Ford and Nielson Families:
Me and my sweet Roman:
Our attempt to get a family picture...didn't turn out so well:
The boys:

Roman was hangin' out with the boys while trying to forget about his cold:

Capri with two of her favorite things, mommy's pearls and grandma:

The best part for the twins, licking the beaters!

The menu included deviled eggs and spinach artichoke dip as appetizers, the most delicious yams ever (thank you Becca for that fabulous recipe!), my favorite stuffing that Tucker's mom makes, creamy mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course the most juicy turkey I have eaten! My mom soon realized we didn't have anything green so she through together some green beans, but I am pretty sure she was the only one to eat them. For dessert we ate pumpkin pie and cinnamon rolls-my fave. As you can see, a pretty traditional meal put together while watching the traditional Thanksgiving Day Parade, followed by the traditional nap and movie. Aren't traditions the best?!
In the spirit of the holiday, I want to let you know how thankful I am for my family, immediate and extended. Tucker is the most incredible husband, so willing to help out with the kids, works hard everyday, and is always checking in with me making sure I am taken care of. What else could a wife want? I couldn't imagine my life without him or my two little ones. Roman and Capri are the greatest gifts and Tucker and I feel amazingly blessed to be their parents. I am so grateful that I can stay home with them each day and experience so many things with them. They are learning so much and I love to witness it all. What I love most is how cute they are together. Their little conversations (that of course we can't understand), how they play together, how they laugh together, when they hold hands in their car seats, and the kisses and love pats they give each other...there is nothing better!
To all our brothers, sisters, and parents, Tucker and I love you all so much. You all have offered such great love and support to our family and we feel so thankful to have you play such an integral role in our lives, even from miles away. I missed all those who weren't with us this holiday, but can't wait to see you soon.
One last thing, I have to let you all know how thankful I am for being a member of the church. There are too many blessings to mention due to the gospel and I am just amazed at what a difference it has made in my life.
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday as well and continue your "Attitude of Gratitude" (yeah, I got that from primary) throughout the holiday season.
P.S. I haven't gone private quite yet, obviously, but am going to this week, so don't forget to leave your email address or feel free to email it to me at alyshanielsonatgmaildotcom. Thanks!