Danielle Newman, Erika Benton, Nicole Sonnenberg and Me:
I know all of you think you have great girlfriends, but trust me when I say I have the bestest group of girlfriends ever. I was lucky enough to have some of them here in San Diego last weekend and we had an absolute blast! Traveling has become one of our favorite things to do together and have been on countless trips to cabins (Bear Lake, Alta, Midway, Starvation Reservoir), San Diego, Las Vegas, Lake Powell, St. George, Newport Beach, and New York-twice. Yeah, we're spoiled and I felt even more spoiled this trip considering I was child-free. Tucker took on the kids all weekend and I got a much needed break with my girls. Thank you so much sweetheart!
The next day started with another favorite, taking pictures. We must think we are hot stuff to want to take as many pictures as we do:

Yes, we do the kissy pose everytime we get together-it's a must!
I had to get some shots of the cutest pregnant girl ever-can you believe she is due next month?!

That night we did some serious window shopping at USA Baby-yeah Erika!-and Fashion Valley Mall. We then hit up Sammy's Pizza for dindin and all decided on salads-it must have been the ridiculous amounts of food we had eaten up to that point.
Sunday started with some serious lounge time including Moonlight Beach. Again, so nice without the kids. Now don't get me wrong, I love taking my kids to play in the sand and water, but I really needed this kind of beach day. The kind where you actually sit and talk with other adults while listening to the waves crash on the beach. Aaaahhhh.

That night was a total highlight for me. We got all dolled up and headed to So You Think You Can Dance Tour Show! I am going to be totally honest when I say I got a little teary-eyed as I heard the opening song start. It was absolutely incredible!!! There is nothing like seeing these dancers live, I can't even describe it to you. They all looked amazing, ok wait...I still don't like Jessica. Sorry. But everyone else was awesome! We had great seats on the floor and even got to meet the famous, or infamous, Mary Murphy. And yes, she is just as obnoxious in person as she is on tv. Just kidding, she was actually really nice...and leathery.

All in all, we had a fantastic trip and what was best was just being together and catching up. Our lives are getting so busy with big moves, jobs, kids, etc. that we start to really miss each other and need some of that good old fashioned girl time. Thank you girls so much for such a great trip and I can't wait to do it again!

Now back to the trip. We started things off with a favorite past-time of ours, going out to dinner. We went to a fabulous little place called Extraordinary Desserts and they have the most...extraordinary desserts!

We then headed over to Swami's Cafe for a delicious breakfast/lunch-you're that full after eating at this place. So while we digested our meal, we simply sat poolside and got to chat it up. Can I tell you how relaxing it is to go to the pool without kids? I had forgotten how nice it was!